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Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Tony's CC Call Notes from FlPatriot59 at I4U Emailed to Recaps 

TNT CALL - 9/18/13

Good morning, TNT. We're getting started here a little late simply because I was getting a lot of emails, texts, etc. Seems there are 2-3 threads in the Forum regarding Mtn Goat's posts. Here's my thing and it makes sense to me: I've been getting calls to the Mods asking "is it Mtn Goat, is it not Mtn Goat, etc."

The bigger pic isn't who the person is but is the information accurate? Doesn't matter whether they can spell or not, if they're in the mountains or on the beach. I don't care. I just want to know if the info is correct. I don't understand the whole argument. I've said we're not going to let 10-15 people ruin it for 15,000 people. We'll delete everyone of them and we'll move on. All of these personal attacks is not what TNTDinar is about. It's not why we came over here. This is a team working together, finding the best info we can.

It's about the information, not about you, me or anybody else. Discuss if you believe the content of the information, not if somebody can spell or not. If you give a little more respect, you'll get more respect.


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Nobody's account has been hacked. All of the chat rooms being closed is because they're all on the same server. There is no gov't intervention. If they wanted us all shut down this call wouldn't be going on. The servers are down due to a power outage.

The good info is that everything is still on track. Today is the day when things could possibly happen. Yes, the bank people did go in yesterday and early this morning. Bank people who were told if it didn't happen Monday it wouldn't happen until Oct. Well those people were called in yesterday and today. They're trying to push to get it done by Friday.

The rates are still over $23 and $3 as of this morning. The system is still working and things could happen anytime between this afternoon and Friday. An announcement is projected. That's the timeframe we're being given. Bad guys are still being picked up.

I'm waiting for confirmation that there may be a final resolution to the tax rate. Regardless, the majority of you will be audited next year. They brought on 50,000 new tax auditors just to do audits. When you're thinking of your strategies, trusts, LLC's, etc., you better know how those things work. And you need to be involved in those for the next 5 years.

If you fail to be involved you can be audited and fined for back taxes plus penalties. You need to hire pros to handle your tax situation. Make sure you keep up with your monthly reports, filings, etc. You need to be prepared for the long term.

You need to know what's going on - more than just getting a trust, LLC, etc. so it won't look like you're just avoiding taxes.

All of our people are still there. As of this morning everybody is still at the banks. Not much has changed since Monday.

"LIVE" Q&A STARTING NOW (C = Caller / T = Tony)

C - Bernanke is supposed to have a news conference today followed by the POTUS, Kerry, and Jack Lew. Related to the RV?

T - We read the POTUS was supposed to have speeches everyday, but not seeing it. Then we see he's making another speech today. This morning when the POTUS was speaking to the business leaders he said "our deficit has been cut in half since he's been in office." He said that yesterday as well. Not sure where he's getting that from.

C - Iraqi Parliament still going on 5-day break tomorrow? If so, we were told the RV would have to occur first.

T - So far they are still scheduled to start their break tomorrow. Everyday, including today, they're putting their financial people on TV saying their currency must go international. It has to be declared international, then the rates change and the process is completed. That's what they're expecting.

C - How does the debt ceiling debate tie into the RV?

T - I'm hoping from the info we're seeing that this journey is over this week. It's supposed to end this week. The gov't runs out of money on Oct. 1. The POTUS said he didn't want the debt ceiling as part of the debate and the Repubs want Obamacare part of the debate. Are they all going to play that game? I can see where the RV and GCR can be part of that, but I don't think it will get that far. I'm hoping this parts gets completed before they make an announcement about Syria on Friday. That's why everybody is pushing for this to be done.

C - Have you personally seen the Oct 2 memo or just heard about it (related to the public RV of currency)?

T - I've been told by people who are in the training classes who have seen it. They've already been trained and supposedly they're receiving additional training. More new people have been brought in for training.

C - With all the news, meetings, etc. Mtn. Goat saying it won't happen until Oct and that it's in Iraq's hands, is very confusing.

T - They (Iraq) are just as eager to get this done as we are. They wanted to come out with an announcement today (at the end of their national meeting) and if they were in charge it would be done.

C - So who is really holding it up?

T - It's not Iraq, it's not the banking system because that's working. Who is concerned about the ME right now? It's either us or the IMF. There has been an agreement about what military action can or cannot take place via the UN and how that affects the agreement on Friday. There are 2 people that can do this: the IMF which will load the lower rates and the UST which will load the higher rates. They're still using what's happening in the ME as a bargaining chip. They set a date and before that date comes, something new happens. So they're hoping it happens before Friday and before something else happens. Syria, the GCR, etc. are 2 separate issues - but is it really?

C - On a scale of 1-10, how confident are you it will happen this week, this month or this year?

T - I am more confident it will happen this year, absolutely, before the new year. Before the end of the month, very confident. I feel good about today. We are more likely to see it by Friday than by the end of the year. JL is saying all the things we want to hear but we still don't see the RV. At some point people will want to see the numbers to back up what they're saying.

C - So on a scale of 1-10, you'd say 7 for this week,9 for this month and 10 for this year?

T - yes, good numbers.

C - Do you know anything about what people in the UK will do for CE?

T - Have no idea. We think DinarTrade has an office there. You should contact them. DinarUK is also in London.


Q - if the RV doesn't happen this week, is there a back wall?

A - no there is no back wall.

Q - can you describe the money flow thru the WF private placement CE?

A - Don't know. They don't give out those details. The UST is supposed to get 11% for the deal, and another 2% to the person who set it up. If it came out at $28 (based on the contract I received), it would net at $18 to you.

Q - Your thought about Mtn Goat's posts?

A - When I say I like her posts, it doesn't mean I necessarily agree with everything she posts. I like her details, things I cannot post. We're not 100% in agreement. I've only heard from 2 people that thought it wouldn't go until October. We're not waiting on laws, system, codes, etc. It's working and we're only waiting for someone to authorize it to go. Explain to me why it can't happen before Oct. 15 if you're going to put that out there. If you're not going to substantiate it don't put it out there. I'm not saying they're wrong, but it's just your opinion. Tell me why if you know it's not going to happen until January. What's the rationalization and maybe we can all understand it? You may have a piece of the puzzle I'm missing. If you share what you know and why you think it's that way, we can all put the puzzle together. It's not about gurus.

Q - why do some gurus only see the lower rates if they have the same access as you?

A - obviously they don't have the same access. I'm seeing those rates at every level and they all change at the same time.

Q - Is the UST paying for all these "dry runs"?

A - Yes.

Q - Question about taxes, WF CE, etc. (Tony ran about 4 questions together).

A - I don't think the banks will handle the taxes. They haven't been trained to do so. How can they take 11% out of your money? I did hear 9.7% and a new form given to the banks and then given to you to file by yourself - UNCONFIRMED. But that makes more sense than the 11%.

Q - do we need to put long term Capital Gains currency exchange in a separate account?

A - All I know is we're been told to keep the IQD and VND in separate accounts.

Q - Can we put the 50% held back for taxes in an interest-bearing account to make money while we wait on the tax situation to resolve?

A - Yes, why not make money on those funds while you wait.

T - keep in mind that they are trying to rush you into making a mistake. Anytime somebody gives you a deadline, there's a reason for that. Be careful.

Q - what are the ceiling rates?

T - This morning the VND was at $4 and the IQD at $23. I can't give you the ceiling rates. If I do, 2 things will happen: they'll lower it and lesson the days. And you don't want me to do that.

Q - do you advise we CE the IDR first, then the IQD and VND?

A - it depends on how much of any currency you have will determine the deals you can negotiate. With most people the IQD and VND will be negotiable.

Q - I've run out of answers to members of our church who think it's a scam. What can I say to them?

A - Tell them to have faith. Research. Tell them to check out articles and archives for more info to alleviate their fears.

Q - Is Tony using a bank?

A - I have appointments at DinarBanker and banks. I will negotiate the highest rates, perks, etc to get the highest of everything I can out there. I'm not looking at banks that don't do IPOs.

Q - do you have travel reservations made this week?

A - I looked at private planes yesterday. It's $60,000 for private jet travel.

TONY - The info is very simple: we're waiting on it. The bank people are there now. Everybody's looking for it today thru Friday. Over in Iraq it's being announced that the last piece of the process is for the IQD to go international. Then it's all over. We're all waiting on one single thing to happen.

If anything else happens we'll do a blast-out. It's a super fantastic day and I'm waiting for it. I'm sure I'll get info after this call and I will share it if it's important.


via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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