Don't WAIT!

Thursday, September 5, 2013

WHAT IS LEFT OF THE GREAT PLAN - Early Thursday Morning Bluwolf post


It is 4:40 am est on September 5, 2013. All things promised from the land of the Dragon have been accomplished, all things due to them and to all other countries shall be paid in full today. All debts and treaties covered and a lot of richness afloat spreaded through the world.

A mayor US bank announcement should be cast today bringing joy to all, depending on the results in the Southwest if the A, B,and the others are finalized and out and heading towards Dodge. This is what's left of the great plan,this is what is left to be covered, a place in time in which all worldly movements is depended on the acceptance of a certain few.

The news furnished is accurate and in real time, the bank and all its personnel are more than ready, expectant, on standby. The rates are super high in double digits, and the UST is on our side.

Now lets see if the folks in the Southwest are now finally covered. Remember this whole event is part of a PROTOCOL and all protocols have a time stamp a deadline and according to all intel today is that day. There is a lot of pressure on the A, B and the others in the Southwest today for the situation of the whole world is dependent on them entiredly, all bases have been covered gentlemen you have no more excuses.

Good day to all and may God bless this blessed day.


via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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