Don't WAIT!

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Thoughts from Dr.Dinar at TNT forum Sunday Afternoon

Summer Breeze

Summer breeze, makes me feel fine, blowin' through with thoughts of an RV on my mind. Wow, where'd it go? No, not only the RV but the summer. The summer, with its soothing temps, along with it's wonderfully light and fragrant breezes.

Yes, another summer has come and gone. And still no RV. At least not one that us Dinarians can see anyway.

It seems as if only yesterday burgers and hot dogs were being BBQ'd, backyard pools were being filled and Memorial Day weekend was in full swing. Yes, the 'unofficial' start of summer had officially started and an RV certainly should have been following close behind.

Well, actually the RV should have technically happened sometime prior to that. Perhaps even back at the start of April but apparently we were fools for thinking that. And no, the April Showers didn't bring May RV flowers.

Neither did they bring any flowers in June, July nor in August either. Nope, the summer breezes blew in just as fast as they blew by us and right on out the back door.


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And now, here we are, one final three day farewell away from another long, hot and sticky season of summer sunshine. And it's that hot and sticky part that's really buggin' me.

How can it be that we still don't have an RV?

After all, the Gurus told us that once the Troops were sent home, we'd have the best Christmas ever. Now, help me out here. That was back in 2012, correct? Or was it 2011? Yeah, that's right, 2012. All the years tend to blend together these days, do they not? At this point it seems like forever ago.

And as I look back now, it appears that statement regarding troop withdrawl signaling the 'official' end of the war in Iraq was pretty much copied from the previous four or five holiday seasons. All of them basically saying that we'd never see another New Years celebration without having an RV to celebrate right along with the dropping of the ball in Times Square.

Which leads me to ask once again, what happened? What could have gone wrong? Where's our RV?

How could we have been soooo close so many times throughout these past few years and still be sitting here, waiting. No, we're not in the same 'place' we were, yet we're still waiting for this elusive RV of the IQD to show itself.

If you peruse the archives on all the dinar sites, it's well known that you can pretty much just copy & paste any of the posts from long ago and insert them in to any of the chats from nowadays and they'd basically go undetected. Surely that's not a good sign. Not a good sign at all.

Then that begs the question as to what exactly has changed after all these years? If the chats from years ago can be swapped basically word for word with the chats of today, with no one knowing the difference, how can we even begin to allow ourselves to think we're making any progress whatsoever?

And if we aren't making any progress, then how are we supposed to continue to hang on, to remain in the game. To stay thirsty as it were? What is there that we can truly hang on to as we roll in to Fall?

Yes, I said Fall. I know, I find it hard to believe as well. For those that live in places that actually experience the changes of the seasons, Fall is easy to recognize. The colors of the leaves changing, less daylight, blustery winds, cooler temps, all of these signs of summer coming to a close.

Next thing you know we'll begin to hear the rhetoric of how they simply have to get this RV done because it's the end of the Fiscal year. Or because the fourth quarter bookkeeping starts now. Or because..... well, you get the point. If you need a reason, just peruse the archives and pick a reason. Any reason will do.

So again, for those of us that choose to continue to hang in there and see this thing come to a conclusion, I applaud you. Those that are going to ride this roller coaster 'til the wheels fall off, no matter what, please continue to hold on tight and don't let go. We've made it this far, we'll surely make it to the finish line.

Where can we find a sign of any kind that tells us something has changed over the past five or six years, a sign that leads us to believe that we are indeed making progress?

And for those that need it, some form of nourishing nugget to help them keep the hopium alive and flowin'.

Just look around you, the signs are everywhere. If you know where to look, that is.

So many things are now happening, being shown in our own lamestream media that to those 'in the know', all point to some impending changes in our banking world.

Big changes.

All good signs to say the least. Other signs, while equally as easy to see, are only displayed for those with a mind open enough to see them.

Either way, just as the summer breezes change to the blustery winds of Fall, just as certain as the green leaves of Summer will soon change to the oranges and browns of Fall, there will be more changes in the future as far as our exchanges being on the near by horizon as well.

And as we bring the summer of 2013 to an unofficial close, hang in there folks. We gotta be gettin' close. Or at the very least, closer.

They wouldn't be spoon feedin' the public like they are if there wasn't a reason behind it. And that reason is most assuredly the Global Currency Reset, the Economic Recovery Plan and the driving force behind those changes, the RV of the IQD.

This RV is comin', I can feel it in the wind.

Dr. Dinar

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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