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Wednesday, November 27, 2013

"If You Could See What I See" Emailed to Recaps Wed. Evening


I am a mobile health care professional , meaning I service patients at their place of residence, , nursing homes, assisted livings, etc. It's a very rewarding career because I help people and I'm able to thankfully provide myself a home, food & my everyday needs .

I'm blessed to have a fulfilling job. I service diabetics and I see much which makes me grateful for so much. I'd like to share some of what I see almost daily which allows me to be so grateful for what I have.

The other day I serviced 3 patients all of whom were legally blind. As I arrived at the first one's drive way , my patient & his wife had also just arrived. I watched as his wife helped him out of the car and as they held hands, they walked like two romantics to the front door.

She then helped him inside, sat him down before I serviced his medical needs and I was overwhelmed at the love & care they showed each other.


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My next visit was a gentleman who not only was blind but was an amputee from the Right knee down , he described to me of having 10 surgeries on his right eye within the past year yet was complacent that "they had tried" and so be it. He expressed such gratitude for my help, physical therapists & nurses who visited him frequently every week. He lived in a extremely modest apartment with very few basics. I was overwhelmed with his courage .

My 3rd appointment was with a dear lady who was also legally blind. As I entered I noticed the TV was on and the volume very loud. She fumbled for the remote control and said although she could barely make out the images on the TV but that she tried to follow along with the sounds.

I noticed her couch was probably bought at a Goodwill store used for $25. She led me to the kitchen where I helped her and the kitchen table & chairs were also probably purchased there too for $10-20. I looked at the plate of food she was having for dinner and it was rice & beans.

As I was leaving she had a smile from ear to ear and thanked me repeatedly that I had come out to visit her. I can't get that lady's beautiful face & smile out of my sight.

It was about 6:30 pm as I left this lady's house and I was famished so I stopped at a restaurant where I ate like a king.

I then got on the highway and headed home thinking of my day and the many, many patients I see like these on a weekly basis. Many in despair yet full of hope & great spirit, those weakened by this disease (diabetes) yet they cope with great courage. I see many who go to dialysis centers 3 times a week and I don't fully understand the strong will they have and how they do it week after week. But they DO !

Then it really hit me hard and I started to weep uncontrollably . What a rich life I live compared to many. I thanked God for providing me the education and opportunity to service these such brave people. I am humbled by their strength, their courage and their will. I promised my maker that I will never again COMPLAIN about ANYTHING in my life.

I just want to also tell you about my visit to Turkey this September for vacation. I was amazed at the pride & work ethic of many. Instead of seeing people begging , I saw them trying to "earn" a means of their daily bread.

On the ferry boat in Istanbul a mother who had a young boy dying of cancer selling pens for any donation provided. In front of malls, bazaars and such I met many crippled, who sold hand towels in return for a donation.

In front of a mall I saw kids 8-9 years old who played musical instruments and had donation plates in front of them. I saw numerous street vendors selling pretzel style breads, bottled water and artifacts. I was impressed at the pride of all these people who weren't asking for a freebie but were trying at anything to sell to tweak out a living. The human spirit is exceptional.

Dear Dinarians, the cases like this is all over the world. At the thanksgiving table please realize how thankful we all our for whatever we do have. And may God bless the rosy cheeks of the millions of people like those I've mentioned and many more .



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