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Saturday, November 2, 2013

TD Saturday night post - IRAQ : ON A MISSION OF URGENCY !!


I was able to have an interview with my source who passed along his findings concerning the Iraqi delegation led by M 's meeting with O a few days ago.

First of all neither myself ( or my contact) was a fly on the wall during these meetings BUT this is info my source obtained by those present . I of course, can't proclaim to be perfect in accuracy but in Dinarland that's normally the rule of thumb.

The meeting was positive & much needed . Both parties needed to express their necessity of mutual need of each other. This meeting marked more of a political tone than anything else but issues of economic opportunities were discussed . There was no direct talks of the currency reform program, a subject which was addressed in detail a few weeks ago already in Washington during the IMF & Central Banks meetings.

Iraq's primary request from O is enhanced Iraqi homeland security which unfortunately still needs much improvement .

O indicated to M the vital strategic interests of both nations to see a stronger, more secure Iraq. O indicated he'd like Iraq to be eventually be the poster child of Arab stability and this means a stronger police, military & intelligence operations. The USA is committed to helping toward that goal. What O would not promise is more USA military presence since the American people are weary of more direct involvement .

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On the economic front, Iraq needs training & technical help to copy the US private sector to achieve success. The Iraqi delegation are asking for US businesses to have a MORE prominent role in development of energy, transportation banking & health sectors among others. To date a few US companies ( Citibank, GE, etc.) have started their entry BUT Iraq is requesting ( & inviting ) an acceleration of dozens of US companies to follow suit ( & the sooner the better). Incentives were put on the table which American companies will find most lucrative & tempting.

The Iraqi delegation made several impressive presentations to the US regarding execution of a plan of action , namely an aggressive 5 year energy plan, infrastructure building, commerce, tourism and security. I was told that the US authorities were impressed by Iraq's MOTIVATION. Importantly Iraq included goals & time tables which Americans really like.

I was told that one high ranking US official remarked to his Iraqi counterpart that for the longest time it seemed Iraq had but was just staring at all the pieces to the puzzle and NOW they have finally picked them up and are putting them all together.

Discussion was made about Iraq's cooperation among it's neighbors and the vital strategic needs of that gelling together. Already Iraq has had meetings with high ranking officials from Turkey and more strategic meetings are set for the end of November between the US, Iraq & Turkey. Iraq also has a busy schedule in months ahead sending delegations of members to neighboring countries, Europe & Russian federation countries. Political & Economic gains to be achieved are enormous !

I've been reporting since of learning details of the Central Banks meetings namely many areas of "needs" for Iraq to achieve a platform of economic stability so as to introduce and more importantly, SUSTAIN a strong currency rate. The various components of the equation include modernization of the electronic banking infrastructure , political stability, attracting more foreign capital & investments, security , viable tourism, regional commerce & cooperation , etc. WE all know of the great natural resources of Iraq BUT that these other components of the equation greatly matter.

The urgency & Iraq's MOTIVATION to get it done is the exclamation point the Iraqi delegation impressed upon the US PTB's & is the best possible news I can share with you today. It seems they made the sale ! Let's see how fast they can now plant these seeds so that progress made and then yield a positive conclusion to our investment .

It is looking GOOD !

Regards, TD

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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