Don't WAIT!

Friday, November 15, 2013

Late Friday Night UPDATE FROM REAL TD - emailed to Dinar Recaps


Well this week started & ends as if an episode out of Bizzarro World.

I can assure you that the rumor of I impersonating WITK is completely false.

I see she has returned to the scene and good for her. I see she says her husband cashed out long ago and good for them.

I don't know of anyone who has cashed out especially from long, long time ago. Do you ?? And according to what I know no one will be cashing out next week either. Of course this was a week that started with news of that as so it should not be a surprise that it concludes with that notion either. I might as well state it now rather than next Thursday when we still have not gone to the bank.

What I do know is this :

1) This turned out to be a VERY positive week because of the announcement of BOND sales. It is HUGE !!

Read More Link on Right

2) Continued progress on the Banking front with agreement signings, facelift of private & public banking systems being addressed , implemented and laws related to capital investments signed and passed.

3) The economic reform laws were reviewed earlier in the week, modified and next week should be concluded in it's final form. But then parts of it still need to be rolled out . It won't in just days.

4) Bank holidays occurred this week making any RV impossible to occur. Parliament too went off & will reconvene next week but after couple days only next week they may be off for quite some time so additional laws NEEDED are still out there so I just don't see possibility of a next week RV.

5) Loose ends with Kuwait is scheduled early for next week That's another one to check off the to do list ! Big news !

5) GOI is moving with matters of state development in urgent fashion and as stated before very important meetings with neighboring countries, companies , yes 3 letter agencies later this month.

So, it's not all done but they are sticking to the game plan.

As I stated early this week. It's not the pace we want but it is what it is.

I realize it was am exhausting week for you. I do think Baghdad Investor did give a very important piece of advice which was : live your lives, kids, grandkids, get away from the computer screen . Life's too short for all this melodrama. Good advice !! Let things play out, it will eventually fall into place. But some critical pieces remain. Can't see how it ALL gets done by next week.



via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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