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Thursday, November 28, 2013

NDA'$ ? WHATEVER - Thursday morning Bluwolf Post


Nda = 28 million of 312 million have dinar State side,,, the rest do not know about it, your UST gave a mandate to banks to say it was a scam so not to spread the word out, in 2009 NBC and Bloomberg spoke about the dinar at the International Economic Convention for Iraq in Washington and their Maliki said that he would not revalue his currency and Obama told him yes you will and you must.

So now those banks that all alone spreaded the LIES of this being a scam are right down scared and those who encourage or imposed the LIE ( your UST, government under Bush ) are scared also of uproar and violence in the streets if it was to come out through your media, which all are also controlled by your guess what or who your government.

So that is why you will sign the nda'$ for this reason only and for nothing else.

About the rates well that will be and still is in double digits no problem there and nothing happened or was changed or imposed by the IMF ( simply that is not there job period ). You guys know that I am not a rate or date guy but this is the new gossip by supposedly the guys in the know there take is the following; DC boys- are nervous and excited saying Friday, Reno- they say that they are on alert and flying as we speak, Banks- cc personnel are all ready and all banks will exchange under the new golden standard ruling.

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The 3.44 fiasco its a darn place holder so stop the blabbing and just leave it there, POTUS is not permitting it so enough with this conspiracy theory for it is not truthful or amusing.

As to the validity of these currencies 198+4 ever releasing internationally yes they will you can bet they will and it will be when all information goes silent, I honestly hope that finally this last part sinks in to a few.

But now the most important message of all, I want to wish you all the most wonderful of all Thanksgivings, please take time off with your family and have a tremendous and beautiful time, give thanks to the Lord for the blessings of your family's, your health and for life itself.

Your rv is near and you will be surprised. May you be blessed it is now 5:19 am eastern (Santiago) time 11-28-13 and please be ready for your blessings for no matter what these men say, no matter how bad they want you to think this rv'$ outcome is going to be in both its time, its value or the efforts (bank nda'$ etc), thing is no matter what God will overcome and give you what He the Almighty has thought about giving you, that won't change because some fools are saying it, don't trust them trust and maintain your reverence and your faith in Jehova for all the power and might is in Him not in those whos intentions fully are to deceive and create a situation where there is none.

Be blessed now, careful on your Journeys may they be just Happy today. Just smile today and repeat after me," Father in Heaven, thank you for all your blessings bestowed upon me, I believe in you I adore thy my Lord and my faith in my believings are assuring me that everything is going to be ALL RIGHT, thank you for listening my Lord and thank you for loving me and taking care of me and my love ones, I owe You one and once all is settle it shall be Paid Forward in full."



via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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