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Thursday, November 7, 2013

PapaBear Chat Posted by Landons Nana at I4U Forum Thurs. AM

Posted Today, 09:10 AM

[Papa Bear] GM Dinar Family. My word for today describes how I handle anger. Ephesians 4:26-27 Be angry and yet do not sin: do not let the sun go down on your anger, and do not give the devil opportunity. Anger can be channeled to do good but if contained in your body will DESTROY YOU.

[blessingsabundant] Papa Bear GM Rejoice and be glad, this is the day he has made!

[Papa Bear] blessingsabundant You are shining light for all keep that light bright

[blessingsabundant] Papa Bear We are a reflection of Him! Trust Mama Bear is doing good still and all is well.

[Papa Bear] blessingsabundant Mama Bear in her workout element of Forest

[Papa Bear] Doing better daily


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[TexasMom] Papa Bear that is excellent news!!!

[musiccitylady] no speech from "M" yet, wonder when it will occur?

[mbillions] musiccitylady It was reported to be done at 8 Iraqi time which has passed now

[Papa Bear] mbillions Done and on Iraq TV with a US rep. there for our representation

[musiccitylady] Papa Bear and we are positive about this speech?

[musiccitylady] Papa Bear no rumors? seen and verified?

[Papa Bear] Has happened

[Papa Bear] Can't speak Arabic did recognize US Rep

[Papa Bear] You know folks good lifetime forest workers are always hard to lose but sometimes the job here is done and larger undertaking awaits

[blessingsabundant] Papa Bear When was this one you are referring to? Their today?

[Papa Bear] blessingsabundant Speech early this morning our time remember their time is ahead of ours about 8 hrs. I think

[Papa Bear] M is and has been a problem. I view him as an Iranian rep. IMHO

[dinarrdb] Papa Bear Was M's speech to the liking of the PTB's?? Or will this be taken over by CL?

[Papa Bear] dinarrdb US Rep in response seem to like it

[Papa Bear] Time tells the secret

[scrench] Papa Bear the US put him there, that's what's upsetting to me. You would think they would know how to pull the strings on their own puppet

[Papa Bear] scrench Puppet gone wild and not the kind of wild we like

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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