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Monday, November 25, 2013

Thoughts by Randy Koonce Emailed to Recaps Mon. PM

RANDY KOONCE How are you makin it.

I am adding a date to archive..Monday, November 25, 2013 I am Dropping a note to say i will give an update on Sunday because it looks like the window has been moved but until i get an idea of where it moved there is no use saying much....

Last Week we got very close to RV but Maliki got in the way but the IMF is determined to finish so when I get a good window again I will let know.. Right now there is no RV… could it happen before end of Week YES... .

But if someone is giving you a day and not a window just pull your pants up and walk by..... If the news that is coming out you feel has effected the RV then that is not right. Maliki is not going anywhere. And Obama is not going anywhere so the politcal battle is great....

All I know is the IMF is determined to get Iraq to do this but I cannot give a date and no one else can...

Quit taking every guru statements as gospel.... if he is saying tonight then he is not truthful.... it does not even look good tonight for RV. I will let you know when the window is good.... Breathe,,,

Check every day to see if it has changed... do not take a guru or a post about in country RV or anything else do not be fooled just check the CBI Do not let your emotions get to you. RandyK

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