Don't WAIT!

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Message from WileyMorgan Posted by Sweetueen at I4U Tues. PM


Many information providers are good for valuable insight and some sapient advice, but we must be sagacious in our willingness to accept everything blindly. Many of individuals on these boards are in a state of impecunious.

While I wish we could provide some hope of timing to a release of such a state, do not fall prey to what may seem like a great deal in the interim. Reach out to other board members/friends and ask the pertinent questions openly to get the opinions of others more versed in these types of ventures.

The biggest tool in your arsenal is education; it is your futures do not let others steal it out of ignorance or gullibility.

The Power of Patience- There is a powerful but challenging secret about the relationship of short-term failures to long-term successes. This secret is very difficult for many to accept and incorporate into their work and personal life, but it is an essential part of learning how to use the power of failure.

The secret is patience.


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Patience is a mental skill, one that can be practiced and eventually mastered, even by the most impatient person.

Businesses and individuals go through three phases: vision, patience, and execution.

The patience stage is the toughest and most uncomfortable.

The vision stage generates a great deal of excitement and energy and the future looks promising.

Eventually the final execution stage is a time of fine-tuning and figuring out how to be even more successful.

Both the vision and execution stages can be very satisfying and comfortable. It’s the middle “patience” stage that can be very difficult.

Anytime we set out to learn or accomplish something new and significant we likely face the same three stages and especially the challenge of the need for patience. Personally, patience is a tough challenge for me as I find myself failing on my way to what I hope will be ultimate success in a variety of activities.

If we want to ultimately succeed in a significant way, we need to accept and be patient with the learning and development of things that go along with facing challenges.

There is no magic bullet in the dinar investment only patience and perseverance. We have all heard that we had to get into this today and not wait. This is where the anxiety and impatience come into play. Impatience takes its toll on our bodies, because it generates stress, which elevates blood pressure and wreaks havoc with the body's internal organs and immune system.

Lack of patience harms the social side of life too: it strains relationships, causes discord in group situations and sets a bad example.

Yet still today we are being told that it is happening every day. Do yourself the favor and step away from the daily information stream and you will find it far easier to fair the ups and downs of information being disseminated about the various boards.

When this happens to go live for us it will be verifiable with quantifiable information in a matter of minutes with a simple phone call. Wiley

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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