Don't WAIT!

Friday, November 15, 2013

Wife in the Know - Friday night post emailed to Dinar Recaps

Hello Everybody:

I have been silent and away from any site for a long time. Yes some high level dinar holders have cashed in as I have stated before, and yes my husband was one of them. Believe what you want or who best suits your feelings on this subject, but the facts remain.

I am sending this post to DinaRecaps to assure you that the "average Joe" dinar investors time has finally come! The week of 11/17/13 (most likely Tuesday through Thursday) you will see on the CBI's website the official rate change of the Iraqi Dinar to 3.42.

This has been a very long and trying endeavor for many of you and the constant failed predictions by those trying to keep you informed has left its mark emotionally.

Rest assure your waiting is OVER! Keep an eye on the CBI's webpage

Smile : )

Wife in the Know

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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