Don't WAIT!

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Bluwolf Early Wed. post sent to Recaps - Don't Be the Normal You, You Are Now a Millionaire, Idiots Don't Prosper


Listen up people stop and I mean stop acting up before the race begins. You need to act accordingly you need to be in style, you need to transform yourselves into the new kids on the block and stop acting like cows stampeding to the slaughter house.

This unlikely behavior creates a big risk, a lot of logistics and security issues for all banks. Not to mention that stupidity itself can make you show your weakness to the predators that will be out there scanning the area to see who can be pickup.

Listen this is not a black Friday scene at a local Walmart this is you being a pro. and doing your thing in complete order.

So when you receive your instructions with the coded 800# just breathe in calmly make your appointment call,study your area for your exchange, just be there at least a day before so you can see the whole scenario or battle grounds. Then when going to your appointment just make it proper to be there professionally just 15 to 20 minutes before your schedule appointment.

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A word to the wise this venture no longer is in the US government control, its a go gentlemen and ladies and it just will pop up period.

So please do us all a great favor stop storming the banks with phone calls for I hope you know by doing so you are responsible for the banks delays period so stop being the idiots in the room. WF will be buying your dinar and no you will not be sent to the end of the process line if you ask to negotiate a higher rate, now I want the people transmitting to the contrary ( I think banking imposed ) to just stop for it is falsely and not so. I say the truth before God so how about it.

And on the subjects of scammers in Puerto Rico from my neck of the woods, my 1,900,000 are all ok in peace, in calm, highly dinar and bank educated just waiting on our friend and bank group leader to give the notice to this exchange.

It is greediness that makes some become stupid, become idiots. It is not being so that makes you prosperous for God already has sent out His value accomplishments to all His children to the dime (no peanuts).

Check List; high rates-yes,, banks ready-yes,, cc ready-yes,, are all issues with Iraq covered-yes, will 800# and appointments be giving-yes, will it be close - yes it is already close to home, Reno what gives? -there on alert and on the move now no more bs.

Just be patient America Gods gift is among you be prosperous.

My time now transpires and in a few days it shall be no more.



via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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