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Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Tip For Today

Post From KTFA By Iggy

Remember These Three’s:

1. These threes will not wait for anybody:

Time – Death – Customer

2. These threes we get only once in our lifetime :

Mother – Father – Youth


3. These threes, when once out will not return :

An arrow from a bow.

Words from the mouth.

Soul from the body.

4. Always keep these threes under cover :

Wealth – Food – Body

5. Avoid the following three :

Bad company, Selfishness, Gossip

6. Focus your mind on the following three :

GOD – Hard work – Education

7. Never forget the following three :

Debt – Duty – Disease

8. Always respect the following three

Mother – Father – Teacher

9. Control these three :

Willpower – Lust – Greed

10. Sympathize with these three :

Children – Hungry – Disabled

Unknown Author

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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