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Saturday, May 3, 2014

Saturday News Summaries from Aggiedad77 at KTFA

aggiedad77 » May 3rd, 2014, Saturday News Summaries

E-card ballot organize .. and wasted time voters

The e-card scanners are believed to have caused problems throughout the day of voting for Iraqi's, slowing down the voting process to some extent....there were slightly over 20 million e-cards to be delivered and approximately 17 million were actually given out....the remaining were largely believe to be for those who have died or where names were listed multiple times.....those who did not receive their cards were prevented from voting....many grumbled about wait times as the e-card readers took longer than expected and made for growing lines at many polling stations....apparently there were some arrests due to people using someone else's the end the voting looks to have been a success for the first attempt at the e-cards.

Religious authority hails »participating high» and calls for professional in the calculation of votes


Iraqi religious authorities said that the Electoral Commission is to be lauded for their professionalism and honesty in the voting process last Wednesday....they also applauded the high voter turnout, believed to be 60%, especially in light of potential security issues....the voters are thanked for their efforts to vote in this election and participation towards a democratic process.....Sistani called on the Commission to use accuracy and transparency as they work toward a final count of the election process.

Commission: the start of the second stage of counting each provinces

Substation counting has been completed and now the second stage of the counting process will start, that of votes being counted within each province and Baghdad, and this will take a few days says the Electoral Commission.....they still are holding to 60% participation.

Liberal: forces belonging to the owners of our supporters harassed polling day

A member of the Liberal bloc is claiming that members of Maliki's military forces were harassing their voters during the day of the elections, and were claiming that members of the Sadrist bloc were also receiving threats....the military was supposed to be at the polling stations to prevent terrorism activities not to threaten the voters.

Commission: 675 complaints on the processes of public and private polling

The Electoral Commission designated a 48 hour period following the election to receive complaints about the voting the end of the first day of this process they had received 675 complaints....most of them minor in nature by their definition....over half of the complaints were from earlier voting in hospitals, inmates, and security forces.

Ban Ki-moon urges Iraqis to be patient until the counting of votes

UNSC leader Ban Ki-moon praised the Iraqi voters for their turnout and participation in strengthening the democratic process in Iraq.....he also praised the Electoral Commission for their success in the voting process amidst potential threats of terrorism and violence in the country....he urged Iraqi's to wait patiently for the final count of the votes and the separation of complaints.

The results of the elections according to a poll by the network, "appointed Iraq."

This is a rehash of a previous article from earlier yesterday....announcing by exit polling only that the State of Law coalition, Maliki's group were the victors in the voting on Wednesday....IMO.....this is only one poll and I wouldn't be surprised to read about others in the coming days with other results....but it does not appear there were any big majority winners at this point in let the alliances begin.

Mishan al-Jubouri: We have no reservation to join a government headed by Maliki

This article IMO can be read one of two is saying that his group has no "reservations" of joining a Maliki headed government again.....or he could be saying that his group has made no "reservation" to join a Maliki headed government...I'm thinking that he meant the first there were some supporters of Maliki outside of his own group.

Kirkuk .. Patriotic Union of Kurdistan ensures winning 6 seats

From early results of the vote counting it appears that the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan is going to be receiving 6 of the 12 seats within the province of Kirkuk, a very strong showing for them.

Turkish Energy Minister: Kurdistan region soon begin selling its oil stored in Turkey

With the Kurds moving over 100,000 barrels of oil per day into storage at Ceyhan, Turkey, the Turkish Minister has announced they are prepared to sell 1.8 million barrels of oil on the open market from these storage tanks....claiming they can sell the oil in 3-7 days the profits that the Kurds will see from this sale will be in the area of $180-200 million dollars.

Patriotic Union of Kurdistan issued announcing the election results in Halabja

The article announces that the PUK is again the victor in Halabja but does not announce the number of Parliament seats they might be taking as in Kirkuk.

Secret agreement between Maliki and Alasaib this content!!

An announcement came forth that supposedly Maliki has agreed with the League of Righteous that if he gets a third term one of their members will receive the position of Minister of are already forming in the background of the vote scratch my back and I will think about scratching yours.

Iran-Iraq pipeline due to be ready in four months

Iraq to Iran pipeline is progressing smoothly and is expected to be ready for production by September.

Lukoil ramping up the action at West Qurna 2

Russian owned Lukoil is pumping 150,000 barrels of oil per day from the West Qurna 2 field and expects to move that to 400,000 barrels per day by the end of 2014.....a significant jump for them.

KRG plans oil exports as talks with Baghdad break down

The government of Kurdistan is making plans to sell their stored oil on the open market, even as talks with Baghdad continue to break down....seems the Kurds are figuring it is time to get on with their lives.

Iraqi banks experiences increase in financial deposits

There is apparently a growing confidence in the banking sector as deposits in the government and private banks have grown recently....the banks are in better position regarding investment opportunities as well as the ability for customers to withdraw....banking reforms is one way of creating this trust in the banking sector....there are laws that could be passed that will help this process as well.....there is also evidence of reducing interest rates at banks that is helping with this trust today.

Preliminary results of the elections, dropped the red lines

As the vote counting continues the former lines drawn by many blocs and coalitions in the country are removed so that alliances may have some chance of being formed to be able to push certain candidates towards the position of PM....the goal with the alliances is to obtain more than 165 seats of Parliament.....many see a new horizon for them, one in which Maliki will not be at the forefront....they anticipate the fight against corruption and a government that works for the benefit of the people.....where and how these alliances will be created should prove to be interesting in the upcoming weeks.

Do you get Maliki to new judicial interpretation?

Could an about face be happening as we watch the vote counting taking place? In 2010 Maliki went to the Supreme Judicial Council and received an interpretation then that the biggest bloc formed was able to make the choice of PM....but what if it is now decided that decision was wrong and it truly should be the bloc that speaks the it is looking the State of Law will do....thus insuring Maliki another four years.....either seems that he could come out a about getting the cake and pie and pastries and eating all of them at the same time....this man is truly devious when it comes to his own good....of that there should be no doubt.

Electoral Commission: Najaf achieve the highest participation rate

It has been announced that the voter participation in Najaf reached a whopping 81%...the largest of any province outside of the Kurdistan region.

down and out: recent returnees to kurdish boom towns get less than they bargained for

While the Kurdistan is booming, life in Erbil is seeing property prices on the rise, businesses are flourishing, and the political situation is somewhat stable....the citizens are still being faced with something unexpected....unemployment....this is true for many Iraqi's who had heard of good things happening in the Kurdistan and have returned from living elsewhere outside of the country for they sit idle not being able to find gainful employment.

Parliament intends to set a date for a meeting to discuss the budget passed

There will be discussion over the next couple of days for Parliament to meet to further discuss the budget....the quartet that was formed to reach an agreement on the budget have not done any better than anyone else to agreements have been reached.....not sure how legal this is but the Speaker of Parliament Najafi has extended the work of Parliament by one month to June we continue to wait.

Maliki will not return to power

So we have another former member of M's coalition that is saying that M will not return to power.....well he hasn't left power yet...and if anyone is capable of dastardly deeds it would be M.....time will tell on this man's prediction.

Alfalh: do not defend on the al-Maliki, who sinned, and the issue has nothing to do Mahmoud Hassan

Interesting...the Electoral Commission is saying they considering the exclusion of votes for candidates of the State of Law coalition in Baghdad because of alleged threats to blackmail voters and threats to voters.....they are in possession of a videotape that evidently shows proof of the accusations....I'm venturing a guess this may take some time to completely sort out....don't think it will be going away anytime soon.

Media belonging to the government of vote trading figures exaggeration to state law

These news stories are starting to turn into "As the World Turns" it there are reports that suggest the vote estimates may not be accurately portraying things...especially as it concerns Maliki....don't think that news should be of a surprise to anyone....IMO....all bets are off as things unfurl and we get a better idea of what Maliki's options will be.

Barzani: We will not be part of the Iraq crisis, and we will have to protect the Kurdistan unless permitted Next

Bold words by Barzani.....that the Kurds will no longer be a part of the Iraq crisis....Barzani is looking for a change in policy and attitudes in other words a change in management.....or they will no longer be supportive of the central government....what they will do remains to be seen....declaring their independence is a bit premature IMO.

House resumes its sessions tomorrow to read the federal budget

The Speaker of Parliament has decided on a Parliament session tomorrow....Sunday...and to include the budget on the agenda....this will the second reading of the happens....just checked the Parliament website and if they are meeting tomorrow.....they have not updated the calendar yet or posted the agenda.....rather odd of them.

Kurdish Oil to Turkey Resumes; Sales to Begin Soon

Another rehash of some already announced news from a couple of days ago....yes the Kurds do plan on selling their oil that is stored in Turkey at this fact it was to begin this is a bit of stale news.

Iraq's oil: reclaim the oil pipeline passing through Saudi Arabia

The Iraqi Oil Ministry has created an open dialogue with Saudi Arabia to reopen an Iraqi pipeline passing through SA towards African nations.

Kurdish oil revenues will be transferred to Turkish Halk Bank

Show us the money the Kurds must be saying....stop talking about it....make it so. They are going to be selling around 1.8 million barrels of oil and will see revenues of around $200 million dollars to be deposited in the Halk Bank of Turkey.

Turkey confirms that the Kurdistan oil export stock has begin on the first of May

We know that the Kurds have been pumping 100,000 barrels of oil to the storage tanks in Ceyhan since some time in early April...those tanks are now approaching full according to Turkish officials and needs to be sold....this article makes me think that some of that stored oil is currently being sold to Turkey as they are definitely in the market for some of it.

Expert Economic Affairs: Replace the structure of the currency would disrupt the local market and helps to forge

Well there is at least one economic expert that agrees with the CBI and Turki about needing political and security stability.....similar words that Turki spoke earlier in the week before the elections where he was quoted as saying they need political and economic stability......if this is the would seem that the seating of the new government might be seen as greater stability for Iraq....and that too would lead to greater economic security and stability as well.

Iraqi corruption .. monster that continues to devour the resources of the country

Corrupt activities in Iraq continue their onerous ways for many Iraqis as the title states devouring the very resources of the country....the oil industry within the country accounts for 90% of their revenues and 70% of the gross domestic product.....surprisingly the oil industry accounts for only 1% of the Iraqi work force....but wait I was typing this it came to me that the reason for that low of a number is because there are so many foreign workers who have the required qualifications to work in their oil industry....over time that number should rise....this same sector is the biggest supporter of many other business sectors in Iraq....they need laws that will protect against corruption.....because as strong as the oil sector is there continues to be corruption all over the place.

Allawi accuses window views to expel large segments of the electorate cast their vote in all elections

More accusations of voting irregularities and potential fraud during the counting and sorting operations.....why is it that when a group gets a large amount of praise for the work they have done (Electoral Commission) as was witnessed by the UN and others yesterday....there is alway someone who comes back with a bunch of negative garbage.....looking under every rock to find dirt....this appears what Allawi is attempting to do...anything he can to discredit others....laying claims about voters not receiving e-cards to vote...shortages of employees at polling stations....and security issues...none of this surfaced before today3 days since the elections.

Hakim calls to work quickly to form a national government, and thanks to the advice the reference to "a good choice

The leader of the Islamic Supreme Council, Hakim, is talking big about victory and the need to act quickly to get a government seated that will become strong work team that will become homogeneous...extending congratulations to all....he recognizes the country has a big job ahead of them to get projects back in focus...stating that Iraq deserves success and the people deserve wealth and prosperity....but no where does he mention anything about the lack of a budget.

The arrival of new trains Chinese port of Umm Qasr deal to get 12 of them before the end of the current 2014

Through a Chinese company there will be 12 trains delivered to Umm Qasr before the end of 2014.....these trains will be designated to making runs between Basra and Baghdad hauling goods and passengers at speeds of 160km/ is their intention to run 6 daily trains.

Iran is looking to invest in an oil field shared with Iraq's production capacity up to 30 000 barrels per day

Iran wants to invest in the Lazar field on the border with Iraq....they share this area it seems for production....the Lazar field is expected to reach 30,000 barrels per day in the first phase and up to 65,000 in the long run.

For the second time .. Industrial Bank calls wanting to get a loan for a review of its branches

The Industrial Bank seems to be working for the citizens, having granted 768 loans in the previous period...totaling over 25 billion dinars.....they appear to be making a second review for loans by its branches....not sure what they are after here...but they do appear to be working daily on the behalf of their depositors and have developed ways to reduce some of the red tape associated with getting loans.

Maliki in Tehran to discuss developments in the political process and the third term

And they say that Maliki isn't actively seeking that third term....sounds like he is in touch with his handlers....and looking at what the next game play will be....he took some of his loyal supporters with him as well...seems he is looking ahead towards potential alliances that can be garnered on his behalf with the State of Law coalition.....nope....IMO....I don't see him going away without a fight.

Maliki prepared by national achievement no matter how Obama and bless the electoral wedding

An incredibly long article that speaks to the success that outsiders see of the Iraqi elections last Wednesday....leave it to Kerry to work something into the mix of things that makes light of the electoral process in the way of a wedding...oh I got lost in the translation....moving on....there are many big guns around the world that are heaping praise on this election process that the Iraqi's completed.

Three presidencies confirm its quest to support the slide labor legislation laws serve

Maliki and Najafi both sent congratulatory words to the world and the Iraqi people for Festival of Workers celebrations on May 1....they look to a prosperous future for Iraqis.....Maliki pointed to the Iraqi workers as being the backbone of the construction and reconstruction efforts to rebuild Iraq....Najafi extends the congratulatory notes from all of Parliament....I'm sure that most of Iraq would have been extremely happy if he would have announced the approval of the budget instead....a bunch of "fluff" that probably weren't paid attention to by many Iraqi's.

UN: Iraqi elections were held according to international standards

There was high praise by the UN on the efforts of the Electoral Commission in keeping with international standards...even mentioning that those who sought to disrupt things found they could not effectively do so.....most of Iraq saw the voting environment as a safe process.

Citizens fight terrorism with their fingers purple

This article is a summary across a number of provinces on how the voting process was managed and overall it has been deemed a success by a number of international entities as well as the civil society within Iraq......seems to be a far cry from what some within the country are saying or alleging from earlier articles today.

Specialists: accelerating the adoption of the general budget rises infrastructure

One has to wonder about Iraq attempting to accelerate anything much less the budget process.....all they are lacking is the second reading and a vote....but can they get this done.....will there really be a Parliament session tomorrow and if so will the budget be on the agenda....all the delays of the past four months and heading into the fifth month now are causing economic havoc for the country and its citizens and businesses as well as the many contractors that are working in the is amazing to me that something as crucial as the budget can be treated as something trivial by those in power, when the election process was managed relatively well....apples and oranges I know....but some politicians may be waking up soon and realize they are out of a job.....I am sure that many are aware of such possibilities and makes me wonder how many will show up for a Parliament session tomorrow.

Well here is the end of my News Summaries for this portion of the day....

started out early this morning but as you can see the News Hounds kept me busy most of the day.


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