Don't WAIT!

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Thoughts from StreetRatt Emailed to Recaps Sat. PM

Fact is...Best word to discribe our situation... Is Bondage...

if you look at where we are and where many of us have been for many months and or years we have all been held bondage to our dreams.

We have all held court as to what and when we will do whatever it means to pay it forward. My heart bleeds as many of yours did at the post by "Awakeningcoach1" and her and her family's turmoil.

To say the least it is saddening and madding that we the supposedly richest country on the planet allows one of many to suffer in so many ways.

The worst part of this is there is no one who reads this that does not know someone who has not suffered this humiliation including yourself in some aspect.


We have all at some point felt the sting of regret and bewilderment at our choices and actions in life but in the end we all stand together in this investment.

Be it Dinar or Dong and any other we choose fit to pursue we have all made the choice based on Intel, referral or a willingness to seek a "Long term" investment towards a better future for ourselves or like me, our family in the future.

I personally got into this long term investment through my son 3 years ago. Forgive the term but I was and still am a "Greedy Bastard" by the fact I got involved with the idea I was to realize the quick turn or return and bail my lousy financial situation out. Like you.. I see and feel the effects of how that worked out!

Until my son called and introduced me to the Dinar I had no idea what the currency "Exchange" game was and since I have watched, listened and followed the Intel given by many to follow a path the offered "better Ideas" towards more logical options.

In any case I'd love to hear your story of how you became a part of the Dinar/Dong and or otherwise family. And I really wonder how different our stories are?

And before you cast judgment on this post, understand I have felt the wrath that many have felt in waiting for the release of these funds.

I have endured the loss of a career and at some point the humiliation of a bankruptcy and ultimately the loss of my home of which I had built from the dirt up. So in the end I have endured a wrath I never saw possible and like many I saw his investment as my "Salvation" in many ways.

And attached to that is a certain amount of guilt based on the fact I knew better but I truly believed it could and would come through for me. And you, do you, did you feel the same.

So as you, I await for a better day coming. However I have scrolled back some of my faith in the Intel givers not because they deceive but rather because they give us information offered to u them true or otherwise.


I hold no grudges or bad feelings but truly wish the world we live in offered more than it does.

Please share your thoughts so others may live and learn.

Regards and Best Wishes.


via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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