Don't WAIT!

Monday, May 19, 2014

Bluwolf Monday Afternoon post emailed to Recaps - Update to Reality

Update to reality

So we are back to a possible rv using a long weekend coming in order to load up the banks again. Southwest on high alerts again. The main bank plan has not change, all that will stick to the original plan will get there emails and will be treated right and will get the best rate treatment available.

I have read some stories pertaining to delays of weeks and even years, I just will suggest to all to find out who these people represent or work for, for this delay topic just isn't true. Sections or countries elsewhere are getting on with there exchange movements and this issue alone is forcing pressure on the person in charge here in the U.S. to set date on this Global Currency Reset.

All 204 countries will come into actions soon.

Careful with the Amazing Grace bs, you do your giving by your own hand. You do your exchange by your own hand.

Do not I repeat do not give up your monies to anyone with a sweet voice and a laim promise, you all have grown to be wise not stupid.

Rates, treatment, professionalism, the plan, the Chinese, WF, 800# and the emails to be sent out, nothing with respects to the above has changed. Iraq will officially announce the real results of there elections in the gazette, once all this transpires it shall be freed from the American gasp and it will rule like a free and renew nation.

With this I will say to all our revaluation is here, look for it from this point to three weeks time for it shouldn't go pass that time frame.

Be blessed Na'maste


via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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