Don't WAIT!

Saturday, May 31, 2014

DinarWishes Saturday Afternoon Post Emailed to Dinar Recaps

DinarWishes Saturday Afternoon Post Emailed to Dinar Recaps

Dear Peeps and Fellow Squirrels,

I have been quiet for a very long time… And that is because I was asked to do so until this very time… First of all I would like to make sure you understand what I am saying so there is no confusion with my post…

I know a lot of people have their favorite Gurus and feel they are getting the best information available… Now that being said, what I am about to tell you is the truth, and nothing but the truth!!!

So Help Me God!!!

Information, Speculation, and Guessing have been placed at the forefront of everyone’s mind as so many people who have become involved have so desperately had the urge to need a daily fix of hope that this will be over soon… And, as so many have found the hope is there but the production of the RV has been so extravagant it could be concluded as a following rather than what it is… And that is a risk in the currency market…

Now there are those out there who extort others by charging for “insider information” through websites and calls… It doesn’t cost hardly anything to run a website… Setting it up however does cost to the tune of about 2 grand for a decent chat site… Not to mention a lot of volunteer time and effort…

This game of chance we are all apart of is crumbling because certain things needed for every country to be Basil III compliant are not being fulfilled by those in power to make this happen… I know this to be fact… If we do not have the gold to back our currency then we will not see any benefit to the RV in our country… I can’t speculate why it hasn’t been fulfilled yet other than to say its corruption at the highest level… Political posturing and personal gain are at the top of their list to complete… They do not care about you, me or anyone else… Once we were a republic, sadly I feel our elected leaders feel a sense of Royalty… Like it’s a birthright… This is also untrue but we do nothing to change it…

I have personally been involved with those who have, and are trying to help us to be Basil III Compliant and they are intending to pull out the Gold backing… They feel it is the only way to move the process forward… Unfortunately if that does happen then the Dollar will lose all value outside of our country… not all at once but it will be significant… Does the phrase “3rd World” mean anything mean anything to you???

Simply put if we have no gold, then we have no new treasury notes… End result no American RV…

Thank You for your time,


via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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