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Monday, May 26, 2014

Theory from Fireball92 Emailed to Recaps Monday PM

fireball92: Reviewing various bits of intel/info over the last couple years. I think I have a scenario that fulfills all the intel and the guru theories we have been reading and hearing.

We know that Maliki was placed by the USA to be a puppet and obey the directions he was given. When you use a wild card, you get wild stuff. LOL.

Maliki complied with what his handlers have required… Well sort of but he had to push the envelope which put an unhappy KINK in the PTB plan… So another ‘DEAL’ has been agreed upon. After the change-up ball Maliki threw 3 weeks ago with the RI, he apparently was offered a way to have his cake and eat it too….

Putting together what I have heard in past about Maliki from Tony, F26, even Blaino, FootForward and yes Goat among several other gurus,…My theory…

Maliki was offered that If he would delay the RI and help do an RV, he would be appointed PM for 3rd term, but only for appearances sake.


I think he has been offered that if he plays nice and helps with the RV while holding on the international RI and if all goes well…. Maliki will be rewarded the appearance of a 3rd term as PM but after a very short period of time there will be a reason given why he must immediately resign (he will probably have a stroke or cancer).

He will then take his $Billons and his ‘get out of jail card’ that is part of the negotiated deal and fade away to a tropical island and the real new Iraq PM will take office.

This orchestration allows all who are involved to get what they want and save face as well. Maliki gets a legacy as the man who gave Iraq their wealth status back and 3 terms in office.

He also goes free for whatever crimes he was directed to commit (probably by the CIA) and he is a wealthy man.

Iraq gets the credit for the much needed RV. They get the wealth they deserve and their political machine is satisfied as ultimately they will get who they really want as PM.


The world gets the RV and the crooked PTB get a wave on their shenanigans.

We get an RV.


via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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