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Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Thoughts from Econ Warrior Emailed to Recaps Wed. PM

A post for Recaps from Econ Warrior

I haven’t posted in a long time because I really believed that this would have been over months ago. Now I feel that I must raise a voice of Reason against what is at best foolish and at worst inciting insurrection.

In my book “Economic Warfare” (Wiley & Sons, 2011), I detailed the process by which our federal government has been systematically co-opted and corrupted by the international banking cabal which has infiltrated nearly every major economy in the world.

I named names and laid out detailed evidence of the illegal activities that led to the 2008 financial crisis. This book is on the required reading list of upper level Economics and American History classes at major universities across the country. I believe that qualifies to comment on what is being put out across Dinarland right now.

I ask you to stop and consider a few FACTS.


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First of all, with all of the evidence of financial crimes and manipulation that led up to the sub-prime mortgage collapse, not one banking individual has even been indicted.

Not one politician has called for an independent investigation of the SEC or other banking regulators, an audit of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, or the investigation in to conflict of interests between Wall Street bankers and federal government officials all the way up to the Cabinet level.

Why do you suppose this is?

Simple. Washington D.C. has been largely bought and paid for by the international bankers.

They own those men and women who we voted into office to represent our interests. Our federal government, from top to bottom, works for what is in the best interests of Wall Street, not us.

Secondly, would it NOT be in the best interests of the international banking cartel to continue the debt slavery of a fiat currency and a populace that is more and more dependent on the federal government in order to keep a roof over their heads and food on their table?

Would it NOT be in the best interests of the international banking cartel to derail any plan that would bring widespread prosperity to the people?

What would derail this plan faster than to have the President perceive civil unrest and declare martial law?

Third, is it really in YOUR best interest to listen to someone who is now urging you to do something that is the exact opposite of what he was telling you to do just a few months ago?

Just stop and think about that for a moment. Who wins if a million people contact government officials who work for the bad guys demanding that these same officials “do something” about this situation? It certainly isn't you!

I don’t have anything to gain by telling you this, but I can assure you that you have not been told the truth about the situation.

Listen to your heart.

Look at the facts.

We are so very close and there is a concerted effort to derail the greatest economic event in human history.

Don’t follow someone who sounds like he is your best friend. You don’t really know him. (Note: Or, anyone on the Internet!)


via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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