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Thursday, January 23, 2014

Iraq News Recap by Aggiedad77 at KTFA

aggiedad77 » January 23rd, 2014,

The news of the morning January 23, 2014

Now for the morning Iraq news recap:

Central Bank decides "SEC gold bullion" to sell investors and segments of society

Talk about a change.....the CBI is looking to diversify and begin sales of a variety of gold bullion to investors, dealers, and segments of Iraqi society. The IMF reported in 2013 that assets associated with the Development Fund of Iraq rose by 18 billion dollars while hard currency reserves rose by 70 billion dollars.

2014 budget .. More importantly, the heart of the equation (2)

When compared to the first four years of the Marshall Plan, the 2014 budget of Iraq almost surpasses the Marshall Plan budget years of 1947-1951 combined.


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Parliament: General Budget Law will be included in the agenda for the meeting next Tuesday

The Parliament will include the 2014 budget in their business of the day next Tuesday when they reconvene....that will bring great discussion, but at the same time there will be other laws that will also be voted upon and likely passed.

Finance Committee confirms that the inclusion of five dollars in the budget and promised Maliki "just talk"

Now a member of the Finance Committee is claiming that Maliki's words.....are just talk....concerning the petrodollar issue. Then I say to the Parliament, call his bluff and write the correct amount into the budget and see what happens. Parliament also claims that the disbursement of the petrodollars is linked to the province's capacity of spending.

CBI News and announcements

Family this announcement came from the Arabic side of the CBI.....again proof that they keep that side more up to date than the English side which has not seen this announcement.....again the Arabic side is the official CBI website. They continue to build a variety of reserves....why.....I think if you dig hard enough in looking at other Central Banks around the world, you will see that they have great diversification within their reserves......could be the Iraqi's are working on the same premise.

Maliki: we are close to an agreement with Kurdistan Region

Well normally I would say we have heard this song and dance routine in the past...their definition of close encompasses a century it would seem under normal circumstances....but I believe this time "they really are close"......keep watching what they do.

Iraq paid more than a billion dollars as part of the compensation of the former regime's invasion of Kuwait

This is the amount due to KW for a quarterly payment to compensate businesses and individuals affected by the 1991 invasion of KW.....there appear to remain $8.8 billion in payments.....these payments come from taking 5% of oil exports of Iraq.

Cabinet explains decision to transfer to Iraq (23) province

The COM have vocalized their decision to go forward with the creation of the new provinces....stating that they felt it wise due largely to current population densities of these areas.....they also felt that this move would aid each of the new provinces in development of social and economic issues......OK this is just an idle observation on my part....the number of new provinces seems to be a moving target, initially it was three, then it was they are saying they have moved from 18 to 23 I count FIVE.....unless they have a version of math that I am not familiar with.

Kurdish lawmaker: we will vote on the new provinces after the application of Article 140

The Kurds....those masterminds and dubious winners of the Monkey Wrench award of the Month....they now threaten Parliament and the COM that they will not vote on the new provinces until Article 140 is taken care of it seems.....but do they forget their vote or lack there of will not amount to a hill of beans....Parliament could pass the vote on the new provinces without the Kurds present....smh

GGE is an assessment of the steps to implement the national strategy to combat corruption

It seems that Iraq has been working with the UN for the past 5 years working on combatting corruption in the country....that 5 year period is ending this coming April. They are already focusing on the next 5 years and working towards training and education in areas of fighting corruption.

Finance Committee: budget did not include dues companies operating in Kurdistan

Well now a member of the Parliament Finance Committee is stating that there is no inclusion of funds in the Kurdistan budget for 2014 to pay companies operating in Kurdistan.....I highly suspect those companies are the ones who have accepted oil bids from the Kurds but have not gotten "official" approval from Baghdad for their operations.

Minister of Justice in the region: the right of the Kurdistan Region to defend the independence of financial

This seesaw battle continues to be waged by the Kurds.....sure they seem to have their act together better than Baghdad and most other provinces at this time....but that doesn't make them always right.....bottom line to things IMO.....they still need to play by national rules.....get the companies that are doing business in the region on board with the federal government and all will be worked out....stop trying to bend the rules to fit your own needs and desires.

Karbala: reducing the budget of the province for the year 2014 because of the region's oil export

Karbala is having $43 billion dinars cut from their budget for 2014, relating to their oil exports, or lack there of. This is related to the problematic export of oil from the Kurdistan domino depends on another. This reduction will of course lead to issues and problems with various province projects being underfunded.

Former Iraq VP: Terrorism, political conflict behind Anbar crisis

The former Iraqi VP who resigned his post in 2011 speaks out stating that the battles in Anbar are driven not only by terrorism but also by political conflict. He is the leader of the Supreme Islamic Iraqi Council (SIIC)....who I suspect will be running against Maliki for the PM position in the April 30 elections.....there is a very well written interview with this gentleman as part of the is written in good English and well worth the read....I don't think I could do it justice to try and summarize his points of view....I like this man...from what I have read thus far.

Babylon objected to the reduction in the 2014 budget by 15%

Babylon is saying that the delay in approving the budget is having a negative impact on the provinces and has cut their budget by 15% already.....this will also have a resulting negative impact on 2014 projects within the province......sounds like a real impetus to get the budget passed ASAP.

A parliamentary source: Parliament will hold its next Tuesday to discuss the budget and the vote on the pension law

Hear ye....Hear ye....Parliament will be back in session next Tuesday, January 28 to hear discussion on the budget and vote on the Pension Law.....don't forget to bring your favorite MP as a quorum is desperately needed.

Electoral Commission: e-card locked and can not be falsified or manipulated

An e-card that is supposed to guard against fraud or of being for every citizen...and another type for those in the military....come one....come all and cast your ballot. Now if the US would just follow suit. This should make the upcoming election very interesting.

Deputy Governor of Basra demanding visual demonstrations and sit-ins in the absence of calculation of petro $ 5

I've said this before and I'll say it what purpose does the Parliament function.....yes there was a "clerical error" in the way the budget came out....well for the love of all things good.....FIX IT...and move on....sure have your demonstrations and sit-ins.....there are some people in the US that can give you first hand instructions on those things.....[/b]

National Investment Commission invites businessmen to invest to get American brands

The world of franchising comes to Iraq.....invest...invest...invest and get quality American brands in your new business.

Holidays in Iraq .. What most!!

Caution....don't let your kids read this article.....Iraq has upwards of 150 days a year dedicated to holidays.....150 days....that is so digs into the school year putting students behind because of course they can't get all their required work accomplished.

The arrival of a new batch of Russian arms to the port of Umm Qasr

Heavy arms as well as medium weapons were received at Umm Qasr yesterday, a port in Basra.....I hope they are marked washing machine parts or Edsel deter thieves from taking them in route to the military.

Health Kurdistan Baghdad demanding the payment of debt amounting to more than Qmath trillion dinars

The Kurds are saying they have not received payments from Baghdad that would take care of health and medicine needs to the tune of at least 1 trillion dinars.....this is an accumulated amount for the region since 2004.

Deputies: moderation references abort the Sunni Al-Qaeda calls to launch a sectarian war

The al Qaeda rebels are calling on Sunni's to rise up against Baghdad and revolt against the government.....many Sunni's are showing reluctance though...hoping that Baghdad will help in resolving Anbar issues and push the rebels back out of the country.....there is call for civil war.....but the people of Iraq know all too well what war feels like and are not quick to jump towards such action....this goes in Iraq's favor at this point in time.

Council of Dhi Qar, unaware of the fate of 200 billion dinars disbursed within the budget of the province in 2013

How many ways can you spell document....document....document....seems they need a better bookkeeper.....or perhaps greater transparency.


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