Don't WAIT!

Friday, January 17, 2014

Peace - Friday Afternoon Bluwolf post emailed to Dinar Recaps


There is only one clearance house (WF), the higher rates will be addressed by them only. I have not seen any if not changes from them. There personnel till this moment have been briefed and are on standby.

Everyone shall be treated with the up most respect and equality.

They have no hassles with this international release for they are more than ready for the task that be.

Do not mix in WF with the THEY'S that others are stating that wish you to exchange at 3 something, my advice to you please do not be fooled make your own assertments and do not mix WF with the rest of these so called "THEY'S".

While I have read all the up roars and chaos that is being published by some people on behave of the THEY'S, at WF all is peaceful all is calm.

Read More Link on Right

I personally know for a fact that no matter how much these THEY folks may want to do to discourage and steal from you God Jehova will not permit it and because of this fact I shall remain in total peace for I know my Lord is in total control and it shall be His way no matter what, my advice to theses THEY figures give it up quit while you are ahead, repent and do what is right.

My people have not been fooled by all this mellow drama and we await patiently for our notification.

Think about all things said and make your own assertions, you can either die with all the hype and stampede into the banks at this ridiculous rates, or you can do like me and my group and just wait peacefully and patiently knowing that no matter what Jehova is in total control and that all has been accomplished, our group leader will contact us when notified.

Na'maste Bluwolf

(I rather be wise and not know everything, then to know everything and not be wise.) Happy Journeys

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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