Don't WAIT!

Friday, January 31, 2014

Bluwolf Update Friday 1-31-14

01/31/14 Bluwolf: We are within moments in seeing our prize possession take its valor. There will not be any lack of monies for all banks have covered all three tier factors and you will be dealt with exactly and at the same level as the tier before you.

Your lives and your world will change drastically as of today, abundance of wealth falls like snow from the heavens covering all the globe, many if not all who have been damping our world economy are now no more, government control is the new norm lobbyist seek into hiding, cabal wealth has no more power over we the people. Big pharma and all the rest will be standing down.

This International Release will appear as planned, if you pertain to a group you shall not have any problems. Wells Fargo is still the UST and Chinese Clearance House all who exchange there should not have any hassels whatsoever for they will be treated with respect and professionalism.

The lapse of these next two weeks will be the pinnacle point of this Global Reset being officialized in its entirety through the media

One thought for you… the reset already happened and the media is leaking it slowly. As the new awakening hits the souls of those including I who are part of our Lord Jehová's army I declare health and wealth to all in the land of our God, may no evil man dare to interfere ever again and may the positive power of My Savor Jesus reign forever more.

Elyon Shala Na'maste. Bluwolf

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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