Don't WAIT!

Monday, February 2, 2015

Stryker Thoughts Emailed To Recaps Monday PM

[Stryker] As we know the budget was approved last Thursday (29th) but under the constitution and according to page 118 of the budget the law is implemented if 15 days have elapsed after the COR (House of Reps) has transferred the law to the president.

QUOTE: pg 118 The Iraq Budget Process Under the constitution, the budget law is considered automatically ratified (implemented) if 15 days have elapsed after the COR (House of Reps) has transferred the law to the president... After the Budget has been adopted then the Economic Reforms can be implemented…

Where Are They Now: They are in the process of transferring the budget to the President now…Bottom line, no rate change today, we will not see the change in monetary system until the process is completed.

We need to watch for when the President receives the budget and then 15 days from there should give us a better understanding of when we could see the first sign of REFORM…

Please keep in mind that this is new to all of us and to the country of Iraq, when you research the facts you sometimes realize that there are more stones that need turned over before you find the gold, or in our case, the RV.


via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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