Don't WAIT!

Thursday, February 5, 2015

MarkZ from I4U: "Working On Checkmate"

MarkZ: Working On Checkmate

To say I have been a busy bee would be an enormous understatement. I have been working hard on a history lesson for you all in the near future. Until then let me give you a little update.

The powers that be have been rushing about the globe to nearly everywhere shoring up currencies in anticipation of the impending currency changes, even Kenya which is near to my heart got a visit.

Meanwhile Iraq, Greece, Russia and China have their players visiting Germany to put another nail in the US energy/petro dollar coffin as we speak.


The near European meltdown did cause a hiccup or two but nothing completely unexpected or unsurmountable.

The Fed/Bush/cabal/evil bankers(or whatever else you would like to insert in here) group has been a regular cornucopia of dirty tricks to hang on to their perverse and often evil world.

Fear not though, the final chapter may not be what you expect but it will be a brave new more level playing field.

The difference that will make to developing countries and blue collar people around this little blue ball we call earth will be astounding.

Now, what does all this rambling of mine mean you ask?

It means things are still on track, turn your frowns upside down, stay in the race and be prepared to check your britches if sudden excitement causes control issues

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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