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Wednesday, March 5, 2014

"About Ukraine" from Removing the Shackles Blog Wed. PM

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

About Ukraine found on Removing the Shackles Blog

PBOC Says No Longer in China’s Interest to Increase Reserves By Bloomberg News Nov 21, 2013 4:03 AM

The People’s Bank of China said the country does not benefit any more from increases in its foreign-currency holdings, adding to signs policy makers will rein in dollar purchases that limit the yuan’s appreciation. “It’s no longer in China’s favor to accumulate foreign-exchange reserves,” Yi Gang, a deputy governor at the central bank,

That means that they are no longer buying US Treasury bonds. Economic Collapse Blog stated this very clear question:

"If the Federal Reserve starts tapering bond purchases and China quits buying our debt, who is going to fill the void?"


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Guess what? The Fed DID start tapering bond purchases and China DID quit buying the US Debt.

So far no one is volunteering to fill the void. Hence all the magic tricks and slight of hand maneuvers that the Fed and UST have been doing since November:

The Twisted Tale of $200 Billion.... Now you see it.... now you.... opps!

Basel Bestows a Break to the Banks, Belying Bankruptcy

Monopoly Money, "IOUs" and Where's the gold anyway?

The "Debt Ceiling" aka: "special manouvers" of the Fed... I mean, "Treasury"

The Jig is Up. What you are seeing in the Ukraine is, in my opinion, a huge distraction.

They are spinning the fear porn at the highest levels they can push in the hopes of keeping the people so busy worrying about World War III that they won't notice the bank runs that are happening all over the world, the fact that their perceived "Governments" are collapsing, the economy is a smoking pile of rubble, and most importantly: that the World is Standing UP and saying "NO MORE!"

Keep watching the media. This is going to play out like another Iran or Syria. Those efforts to start a world war didn't work, and neither will this drama in the Ukraine.

Oh and keep a close eye on Venezuela- that's the second runner up that is being kept in the wings for when the Ukraine fails .

There is one other piece of information about the Ukraine that is very interesting. I haven't had time to really go digging into this, but I am researching it as quickly as I can. I'm not exactly sure HOW it ties in, but it is definitely illuminating for me that it DOES tie in. I will post more on this later once I have more research done.

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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