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Friday, March 7, 2014

KTFA's Aggiedad77 News Headline Summaries

Post From KTFA By aggiedad77 » March 7th, 2014,

Erbil hosts conference of the Arab Federation of Chambers of Commerce

A meeting of heads of Iraqi Chambers of Commerce was held in Erbil kind of as a precursor to a meeting that will be held on April 30.....hmmmm.....I wonder how many will be in attendance of this meeting.....I would think they would be voting on that day.


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General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers will host the fourth meeting of the Coordination Committee of Iraq - US joint cooperation in the cultural and educational Iraq

Ok, this is my opinion.....but any time you can convene a meeting with the General Secretariat of the COM it has to be very high level, and very important.....this meeting is a followup on the strategic framework agreement struck in 2008.....

they discussed cooperation on the implementation of the previous agreement as well as looking forward at their relations the area of academia.....the number of Iraqi students enrolled in US schools is up by over 32%.....the conference also stressed the continued strengthening of ties between the two countries.

Broad support for the government's decision to exchange budget funds without reference to MPs

Judging from social media responses about Maliki's action to take the 2014 budget money and start using it without regard to actions by the Parliament, it appears that many Iraqis are in favor of Maliki's actions......

the Speaker of Parliament very outspoken against Maliki's actions as I would expect him to be....but his track record with Parliament of late has not been stellar.....he has been more interested in scoring points with possible alliances with blocs to gain him the Presidency of the Republic after the elections.

Economists seem to fear from the application of the customs tariff

There still remain concerns with the newly implemented tariff law that it will adversely affect the consumer....the weakest link in the chain.....I'm shaking my head at this is written as though the tariff law has not been implemented at this point in time.....

here it is March and we've seen many indicators that would appear to say that the law is in effect now at all ports of in lies proof that you can't trust the Iraqi news media....either this is incorrect, or the other articles that we have read over the past 2 months are incorrect.

U.S. State Department warns its citizens from traveling to Iraq except in "extreme cases"

The US State Dept. issued warnings to US citizens against travel to Iraq at this time, stating security issues were of extreme concern....the last warning was issued on Sept 5, 2013.....IMO....

this warning seems a bit coincidental....especially since no such warning was forth coming during the height of the terrorist problems in Anbar.....either our State Dept. is acting inconsistently....or something else....of greater magnitude is up.

Iraq: Nujaifi threatens to withdraw confidence from Maliki

Najafi can bark all he wants, but does he possess the power to back up the bark.....I don't think he appears that Maliki has been successful in disrupting Parliament....seems they may not be productive now until after the elections.....

I am of the opinion that Najafi is more of a lame duck at this point than Maliki is....not sure just how much clout that Najafi wields at this time.

European Union: Maliki's position instigator of the Iraqi parliament ... coup against legitimacy and a blow to the political process

Interesting comments and stance from the EU today speaking out against Maliki's actions this week....about him instigating against the Iraqi Parliament, using his position to manipulate the political process.....the EU has called for the stoppage of any military aid to Maliki at this point....

stipulating as the US has done that weapons not be used against Iraqi people.....they also are recommending that the April 30 elections be conducted under the supervision of the UN to attempt to make them as fair as possible.....IMO....I think they are just a bit late in making these recommendations....the damage in many areas has been accomplished.

Khatib Gray: Maliki kills year to become the hero of the times and will not stop until our revolution to overthrow the government or the implementation of our demands

This article comes from Anbar and definitely is making Maliki out to be a dictator acting against the Sunni's for his own promotion of power.....the claim is being made that the war issue in Anbar starts and stops with Maliki and his army of henchmen....

the Sunni's are going to revolt for the overthrow of the existing government or until their list of demands are implemented....

they accuse Maliki of eliminating his opponents in his attempt to stay in power....I am not denying what this article states....just finding it somewhat odd that we don't hear more from the Sunni's than we have.

Photos Maliki is still widespread, days after his decision to remove the pictures from the streets, officials

It seems that Maliki may have given an order to remove political pictures/posters/billboards of opponents towards the end of February.....but some like the municipality of Baghdad say they have not received any official word to take such action....Maliki at this time seems to rule by any means available to him.

Shia Clerics: Maliki and Kurdish alliance was wrong

Shia clerics are telling the Kurds they crawled into bed with the wrong person...Maliki....he does not keep his promises....they claim that the Kurds success has been in serving their people and maintaining the Kurdistan as a safe place....

however since the completion of the pipeline from the Kurdistan to Turkey the relationship between the Kurds and Baghdad has steadily deteriorated.

State law calls for Maliki to declare a state of emergency and state of full alert

The Coalition of State Law is urging Maliki to declare a state of maximum security alert as well as a state of emergency due to bombings today in Baghdad.

British newspaper: venture capitalists are not afraid of the security situation in Iraq because of the temptations

Venture capitalists see Iraq as a great temptation even with the obvious concerns for security.....the outcome they claim outweighs that if one understands the country.....growth is expected at record levels for years to come.....not only in oil but other industry sectors as well.....

there is money to be made even within the confines of the ISX....the Iraqi stock market....the numbers are all over the map with future predictions....and none of them are negative.....just in the oil and gas sector they predict that 500,000 Iraqi's need to be trained to run things.

I will stop the News Summaries here and pick up later....I need to do some snowblowing today.


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