Don't WAIT!

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

OPINION FROM EXOGEN-WHERE ARE WE? emailed to Recaps Wednesday afternoon


IMHO, This is tied to the USA not wanting to lose POWER, ie 2010 IMF reforms. This is also tied to currencies no longer wanting the FRN's for Trade, and securing the Financial Markets and eliminating Illegal Currency Manipulation via the FX Probes.

See the USA which has the majority vote in the IMF controls the IMF as well. Jack Lew knows countries are now doing currency SWAPS to circumvent the FIAT FRN and eliminate the Petro Dollar Global Monopoly.

Then you have to add where is the Funding coming from to fund the RV. The funding is coming from all of the Gold moves you see and the Historical Bonds and other bonds. The rate on the Bonds has been locked at CME at $3.71 for close to 2 weeks now.

The delays in Iraq are done in conjunction with the UST & IMF. But TIME is running out FAST.

Iraq has met all obligations, and the USA as intermediary is tied to the 17% delays with the Kurds and the Iraq Budget.

The WTO criteria is already completed as well.

USA banks have been using the IQD with no value for over 1 year via leveraged SKR's and GFR's to create bank instruments, ie monetization and securitization, with Correspondant Bank ALLIANCES by Intra Bank Trading.

So with all that said and done, IMHO we should see something within days. By or before April 1ST makes logical sense, and this event is larger than IRAQ.

The process is BONDS/GOLD and then RV and then the GCR. The Bond moves are completed and the Final Gold movements are taking place now.


via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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