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Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Mountain Goat Update Wed. 3-19-14

(Recaps Note: George posted this update in our comment section and unfortunantly the ending is missing....As soon as we find the rest- it will be posted at once. Thank you. Please keep checking back)

GeorgeH said: HI, Just wanted to bring over to the forum the latest news letter from the "goat". It is long but a good read for sure....

Hi Everyone,

Today I can see the warming even greater in the mountains. Over the past weekend I made the first of my Spring hike up my familiar mountain. As I climbed I was reminded of my hikes last Spring and how I thought this GCR would never, ever make it to next Spring. Well….. here we are it is spring once again.

My only hope now for all my readers is that what you have witnessed through this GCR stalling process will remain with you as you continue post RV.

I sincerely hope you have learned something about the corruption and dishonestly of your government. This is just not about these aspects of USA government but of all government and leaders of today.

Remember the governments are run by people (human flesh) and we can make a difference at the voting polls. As I try always to instill good values and morals in Meine Kinder, I realize that this is all I can do for my part of raising a family.

The rest is up to them to take action in their lives and to make a difference in the world. We can all make a difference and become part of the solution rather than the problem.

I come to you today to bring my weekly news letter. As always I hope this is my last letter. It is a long news letter today again as recent letters have been.

Today’s Intel

There is so much news once again this week pouring out of all channels however much of this news is false and I know it is just propaganda. I know this for a fact since these events have already occurred or been completed. So why do they continue to give us these repeats of articles and these lies?

They continue this because they (the Iraq GOI and the parliament) must save face and demonstrate to the people that they are still in charge of their government. They are stalling for time.

The real truth is however they are not in control and this stalling will continue (as bizarre as it may seem) until the USA and the IMF stop playing puppet with Iraq and let them have their currency go international. This is now in the desperate stages since Iraq’s economy needs this to happen and to happen as of yesterday.

Most of us have heard on many calls the delays that are postponing this final rollout, however we do not make the association to the overall big picture. I am telling you this RV has already occurred and has an official date of December 1, 2013.

We are just awaiting the completion of the rollout to the exchanges and the general public. I can tell you specifically what the delays are however if I do I will not be allowed to any longer publish my news letters (at least with some information) , as I have been strictly reprimanded already in this matter.

So what can I tell you is holding up the RV rollout?

The final process of the rollout is a matter of timing. What the heck does this mean? - you may all be thinking. This means that the process is a 48 hour process of checks and controls once they “pull the trigger”.

I can tell you that the process is a series of checks with the CBIs for the new rates beng populated , then the CBI must push the new rates down to the local banks. The CBIs must then report back to the IMF central coordinator that the rates were successful.

As part of the process also there are the global exchanges that must be updated. These exchanges include many varying platforms and so the process now gets complicated. There are conversion jobs and intermediate processes that ultimately loads software that displays the new rates and allows the day-to-day transactions as the broker firms.

There is also feedback to the central coordinator in this process as well. There was an effort last summer to clean up these processes and much was done to the entire timeframe could be done in a much shorter window, as the 48 hours now reflects.

It gets complicated real quick

To continue the explanation of the process let me say that if for any reason while running this rollout process, a bug or an error is found, the process is halted while they find a solution and implement the fix.

So when the process gets stalled for any length of time it allows those that object to the GCR to come up with yet another reason to renegotiate and conduct yet another backdoor deal to better their position.

I have to tell you if you only knew some of the lame reasons for these delays and how minor and picky they have been you would be very upset and angry, as I am and many others are.

In our position we can all see how this GCR will benefit the entire world’s economies as well as our financial positions once we exchange. So why would anyone not want this GCR to occur?

There is a small group of individuals. We can say they are personally and financially motivated not to let this GCR rollout occur. They will be giving up, in some cases, enormous amounts of power and future financial gains. You see this GCR is w

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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