Don't WAIT!

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Update From Bluwolf Saturday Evening

Bluwolf: Bottom line all data has been fed, all acceptable rates are in, based on the request of each country, this effect has taken a toll of 7 years and now has come to an end.

The GCR will transpire in a question of days, the international rates are in and no outside source has the power to impose themselves over the accords of economic values of any given country.

What some see are just some specific place holders and its value will change simultaneously reflected both in banks screens and forex.

Should I worry about all of you folks after spending 13 years among you, or may I be in peace knowing that all things said by me has sink in.

I choose the latter, may all be in peace, the rates no one has access to for they have been locked down.

Believe if you want, I have spoken my peace. Na'maste Bluwolf


via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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