Don't WAIT!

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Thoughts From Arthur Tuesday 3-10-15 Emailed to Recaps

Arthur ...although a lot of progress has been made on many fronts, we are still waiting on the same thing: GOI + HCL = RV...

Based on what I am getting from Iraq the negotiations have heated up on another level due to an international team there to expedite this final piece to the monetary reform of Iraq.

Nothing and I repeat NOTHING moves substantially forward until this is officially completed and the GOI, CBI, and the PTB are aware of this and are working feverishly to get it done.

Without going into too much detail, several minor mistakes were made by all concerned...

The Region and the Center for their respective expectations and the CBI and GOI for their policies set based on the anticipations thereof that, hindsight now being 20/20 would not have occurred,

But the numbers are now being re-crunched and the parliament will soon get the final version to sign into permanent law ….hopefully by the beginning of next week …shortly after which the budget to be fully implemented and opened with the agreed upon monetary reality of the new Iraqi economy.


via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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