Don't WAIT!

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Update From Arthur Thursday Morning

Arthur : I have just received high level intel I cannot specify for security and clearance reasons but suffice to say there was more to the POTUS' speech than was meant to be discerned by the general audience.

First he described this "counter-terrorism campaign" as "different"…This is Warfare 2.0 using next generation DARPA technologies literally straight out of Area 51…

He then spoke of how he has "insisted that additional U.S. action depended upon Iraqis forming an inclusive government, WHICH THEY HAVE DONE IN RECENT DAYS."


That statement gave the green light for the standing by coalition to officially begin Operation xxxx against ISIS as well as for PM Abadi's government to immediately implement all political and economic reforms necessary to usher Iraq into the international community via full implementation of the Strategic Framework Agreement.

We have now entered a brand new phase of the entire process.

The domino was tipped tonight [9-10-2014] . The rest will be history in the making.

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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