Don't WAIT!

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Stevel: "I Will Not At Any Cost Bail Now...Or In The Future"

You know, this is Iraq, a third world country that had a very bad leader and anything can happen, good or bad.

This is an investment and I have seen no dealer that guarantees what you purchased will be worth anything more or less in the future.

Now, with our many sources, this investment will in the end be a very good one for those that treat it as just that, until then you live day to day as if you never had it and live in the present and prepare for the future.

I have invested in it and I will not at any cost bail now or even in the future.

The results may have not happened within your time frame but this is not about you, but rather a county that is preparing for a new economic future.

You all have a safe week and will post our update only when we have something worthy to post that we can backup.

Ok now let's get back to the news and look for the budget getting passed. Until then, we do what we do not like to do, wait.


via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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