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Thursday, July 24, 2014

Thursday Morning News Summaries by Aggiedad77 at KTFA

aggiedad77 » July 24th, 2014,

Thursday Morning News Summaries

Fuad Masum win the post of President of the Republic of Iraq

Nothing like a short and sweet news title that conveys all that you need to know.....apparently the Parliament met today and had a quorum....and in addition went through the necessary votes to elect a new President of the Republic....Fuad Masum, a Kurd to follow in the footsteps of Talabani. I believe he is a close ally with Talabani so it would seem that T should be happy with the election at this point.

House of Representatives to raise its fifth of next month

Either electing a President can be very tiring or took quite a while to happen today.....after that announcement the Speaker of Parliament announced that Parliament will not reconvene until August 5th, at which time it sounds like the temporary committee formed to study the 2014 budget may be expected to report to the Parliament at that point.....


no mention of any activity regarding a Prime Minister at this point will be interesting to see if Parliament receives pressures to meet before August 5th to begin the process to elect a PM. Also there was no mention of Vice Presidents to work with the new President....they should be a Sunni and a Shiite, according to their laws. They did say that it took two rounds of voting to declare Masum the winner.

President infallible in Brief

Here are a few "brief" fact points about the new Iraqi President, Fuad Masum, he was the first PM to the Kurdish government back in the nineties....first president of the Iraqi National Council, as the Parliament we know today was originally called after the fall of the former regime in 2003....he is author of much of the Iraqi Constitution in its infancy years.....and was an original founder of the Kurdish PUK in 1975. He holds a doctorate in Islamic Philosophy from the University of Al-Azhar in 1975. His father was a Mullah in the Kurdistan and was Chief Scientist of the Kurdistan.

Iraq's Maliki rejects Iran's call to step down

Well it appears that Iran is not providing a head nod for Maliki to pursue his third term as PM of Iraq.....the powers to be in Iran were taken aback by Maliki's choice of rejecting their call for him to step down....I believe we will be hearing more from the Iranians on this issue....they are not going to take his rebuke kindly....IMO.....Iraq is under strong pressures from many fronts to work into a "unified" government that will provide some peace and equality for the Kurds and at the same time pull the Sunni's away from any interaction with the ISIS terrorists currently operating in Iraq.....thus far a Sunni has been elected to the newly formed Parliament and just today a Kurdish PUK representative Fuad Masum was elected President of the issue is whether or not the Federal Court actually issued a decision that would require the new Iraqi President to give the largest bloc in Parliament the task of forming the new government and selecting the new Prime this point we saw conflicting stories yesterday as to the validity of this effort from the Federal Court.

Is Kurdistan the Next Boom Town?

This is an article from the UK that purports that the Kurdistan is poised to be the next boom town.....there is much going on in a positive and peaceful way in the Kurdistan while much of the rest of Iraq is torn by civil strife between the Sunni's and Shiites as well as space is at a premium in many areas of the Kurdistan....the Kurdish area has become a melting pot of nationalities over the years...the issue for the Kurds is they tend to get lumped in with the rest of Iraq and outsiders see the security and terrorist threats first instead of the "golden opportunities" that actually are available in the Kurdistan.

The main blocs in the state decided to suspend the law Adventures Maliki

Now this is an interesting twist to things that pertain to the State of Law coalition and Maliki.....if Maliki does succeed in the direction he is attempting by saying the State of Law is the largest bloc within Parliament in an attempt to win his touted 3rd term as PM.....the head of Badr Organization, al-Amiri, and the head of the Dawa Party/Iraq Organization, Khodair al, as well as al-Shahristani, independent head, will push for the National Alliance to be declared the largest bloc within Parliament and for once put an end to Maliki's games....this again seems to hinge around any decision possibly made by the Federal Court that could rule the State of Law is the largest bloc in Parliament based on the April 30 election we saw in 2010, Maliki continues to twist the laws in any way he deems necessary to meet his own goals.

Rise in the general index of the Iraqi market for securities at the end of the week

On Thursday this week, today the general index of the ISX rose 0.01%....a gain is a gain no matter how slight.

Jubouri: We have not received a decision from the Federal Court on the adoption of state law, the largest bloc in parliament

An interesting that IMO...might actually hold some truth to it....not that we've seen many of those over the past few days......the Speaker of Parliament I feel is probably speaking a truth Parliament has not seen such a decision from the Federal Court....yet.....I am still so very wary of Maliki and his thugs and their bags of tricks......he will never step-down.....he will never go peacefully.....IMO....IF...IF he loses the PM.....he may very well turn into the greatest threat to Iraq that ever lived.....we will be seeing much more along this line in the coming days and weeks....IMO this fight is far from over.

Oil: We have made more than seven billion dollars from oil sales in June

The Iraqi Oil Ministry announced today that in June more than 70 million barrels of oil were exported from Iraq....this equates to more than $7 billion USD....just for June.....with the average price per barrel of $102.61 dollars.....this does not include anything from the Kurds or the areas they now control such as Kirkuk.

Urgent .. Urgent, al-Maliki offers a formal apology for Barzani!

Maliki....allegedly....offered a letter of apology to Kurdish President Barzani for the statements that Maliki made about the Kurds harboring terrorists.....Maliki has intentions of visiting Talabani to "check on his health"......probably is concerned for his own health when traveling in Kurdish areas to say the least.

Kurdistan: We will vote for any candidate posed by the National Alliance for the post of prime minister

An interesting article if you consider the real message behind it....the Kurds appear to be saying they will throw their strength in with the National Alliance for who they will pose as a candidate for the PM position......what they don't say here.....but there in some underlying fashion....."as long as that candidate does not include Maliki".......this would give the National Alliance an even larger percentage of Parliament on their side by the Kurds jumping onboard with I have reiterated many times in recent past.....keep your eyes on Maliki, know where this snake is at all times.

U.S. lawmakers: Maliki missed an opportunity for reconciliation between Iraqis and must be changed

US Senate voices are saying that Maliki needs to go....that he cannot be relied upon to deal with the terrorists nor can he be trusted to unite the Iraqi people....the Senators see Maliki as a failure in effectively dealing with the terrorists to start with in Mosul early on....still this rhetoric is coming from the Senate....not the administration....who continues to avoid speaking out where there is potential for any or anywhere.

Urgent .. Jubouri: which is the largest bloc formed after the Parliament according to the Constitution

Jubouri needs to proceed with grave caution here in how he chooses to publicize his words.....he is wise to refer to the Constitution for guidance.....but he does not need to get himself backed into a corner on semantics.....a war of words with the likes of fear is that Maliki would win that battle....he has had a lifetime to develop his underhanded tactics....if by saying the "largest Parliamentary bloc" he is saying the formation of such "combined" groups as the National Alliance or the National Coalition, or the Kurds....then I hope he is on rock firm ground.....but if he has spoken in the way of saying that the State of Law with its election results from April 30 is the "largest Parliamentary bloc" then I fear that Iraq is in serious trouble....I pray for the former, not the latter.

Fuad Masum, the president of the Republic of Iraq, despite the failure of 64 deputies to vote for him

It took two rounds of votes to elect Kurd Faud Masum as the new President of the Republic of Iraq, even doing so with 64 deputies at issue. He was sworn in as the President with the President of the Federal Court present....someone should have cornered the dude from the Federal Court and asked about the issue with Maliki.....a captured audience...and a missed opportunity.

Oil exports from southern Iraq rises to near record level

Southern Iraq oil exports have managed to hit near record highs thus far in July averaging 2.52 million barrels per day....the militant activities within Iraq have pushed international oil prices in July to nine month highs of $115 dollars per barrel.

Jubouri: We call on the president to assign the biggest bloc to form a government

The Iraqi Parliament Speaker is calling upon the newly elected President of the Republic to designate the biggest bloc in Parliament to form the next government.....according to their Constitution he has 15 days after being elected to make this designation....but that doesn't mean he has to take the full 15 days also means that period could also be extended....I just hope this lack of a decision by the Federal Court on this issue to have surfaced in Parliament is not an intentional ploy by he is well aware that the designation would be made by the new President.....could it be that the Federal Court is sending any determination or interpretation they may have made to the newly elected President instead of the Parliament.....I pray not.....but do not be surprised if such events take place today or in the coming days.

Kurdistan: We have not made a decision to distribute salaries in dollars rather than local currency

More "he said....they said" fodder for the someone is now denying that a "formal" decision has been made to pay salaries in USD.....could this change of face be the result of the election in Parliament today of the Iraqi President.....perhaps the earlier noise was just threats in the event that Maliki stays in power.....again the news media hard at work...generating the news as they see fit....not as dictated by actual facts.

Jubouri: President commissioned an urgent call on the candidate of the biggest

Just got a new that brings with it much limelight and attention....especially for one of the very first decisions that must be made.....stipulating the biggest bloc within Parliament so that a PM can be least hopefully and painfully obvious should be the issues the Kurds have had with the current government and specifically with Maliki.....Masum has the opportunity to very quickly put people's fears to rest by accelerating the process and bringing forth the National Alliance as the largest bloc within Parliament would make sense in every way.....for the Kurds....for the Sunni's....for the Iraqi people in general.....and for the world at what stands in the way.....a very temperamental man who is very dangerous and used to getting his way.

Maliki meets U.S. commander confirms Baghdad need for more military cooperation with Washington

Maliki....actually is able to crack a smile with General Austin while asking for more military support.....does he not hear the voices from America....especially the Senate that state no more military support unless YOU step down.

Judicial authority denies the issuance of a new resolution concerning the largest parliamentary bloc

A judge from the Federal Court has issued a statement that indicates the only resolution that has been issued by the Federal Court was done back in 2010.....not currently....from this it makes it sound like the State of Law coalition is choosing to twist things to their own benefit.....based on 2010 rulings....not anything current.....and we all know that decisions made in 2010 were certainly different than those in effect in 2006...per the insistence of Maliki at the time in get his way....pray this does not happen again today....if the National Alliance was deemed in 2010 to be the largest bloc....why change that today....oh for sure...Maliki is a cry-baby and wants his way....whatever way that might be to assure his remaining in power.

Ok, so my fingers need a quick rest....

but by now you get the gist of things with today's news from Iraq.....much good...

but could be even more so gooder if the new Pres would make his announcement soonest.


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