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Tuesday, July 15, 2014

SpecialAgentGibbs Thoughts Posted by FRV at I4U Tuesday PM

[SpecialAgentGibbs] BigDog-OH Let's look at this theory....

[SpecialAgentGibbs] We see dozens upon dozens of bleak outlook reports as of late...

[BigDog-OH] SpecialAgentGibbs Sweet! What are your thoughts?

[SpecialAgentGibbs] What exactly, are they designed to do???

[BigDog-OH] SpecialAgentGibbs Change peoples way of thinking and living?

[SpecialAgentGibbs] Why do "they" want to publicize such bleak news, and have the masses attention?


[SpecialAgentGibbs] Before you go to war, you must FIRST justify that action, to garner support

[SpecialAgentGibbs] IF the world's financial order is in ruins (as they portray), then the "cure" will be EASILY welcomed, and NOT questioned....

[BigDog-OH] SpecialAgentGibbs I'm following that line of thinking...

[SpecialAgentGibbs] It's MUCH easier to facilitate ANY cure as being THE cure, IF the masses are all in a tizzy over the impending gloom

[SpecialAgentGibbs] IF, the "cure", is a GCR... the impending gloom propaganda will have the masses chomping at the bit for ANY resolution, WITHOUT QUESTION

[SpecialAgentGibbs] THE trick here (is it not), is to cloak exactly WHAT has facilitated the GCR

[BigDog-OH] SpecialAgentGibbs So what do they do and at what point do they pull the trigger on the "cure" to this "problem"?

[SpecialAgentGibbs] BigDog-OH Well, IMHO, it would have already (and easily) have been done if not for the spectrum of charades supposedly required to reign in all those bad guys

[SpecialAgentGibbs] You see a GCR, you see Basil3, etc., etc...

[SpecialAgentGibbs] But, do you really see an entire global reset in the way humanity operates, and does business???

[BigDog-OH] So do you think that when they unveil that, the bad guys all of a sudden show up as collateral damage or do you think they will call them out?

[Bear'sOpenHeart] It would be like herding cats..

[SpecialAgentGibbs] We are so busy looking at the pieces, that we do not actually see the finished puzzle

[SpecialAgentGibbs] BigDog-OH IMHO, to "call them out" or to "make them pay" is just TOO much of a pipe dream....

[BigDog-OH] SpecialAgentGibbs I was kind of thinking that... society has a who cares attitude in general anyway

[SpecialAgentGibbs] What REALLY matter (does it not), is to simply put them out of action one way or another, and forget about our appetite for justice

[SpecialAgentGibbs] What REALLY matters, getting even with them OR, just shutting them down so the future of humanity rolls forward as it was SUPPOSED to???

[SpecialAgentGibbs] Something else I wish to touch upon....

[SpecialAgentGibbs] There's a couple of posts circulating that propose that TRN's are "100% live, fact"

[BigDog-OH] SpecialAgentGibbs Moving on is obviously the best thought... however, my concern is having the follow through and new mechanisms in place to prevent from happening again

[SpecialAgentGibbs] BUT, we can't see the proof because it's hidden...

[Bear'sOpenHeart] Personally ,I'd like to see some accountability ,but then I can be hardnosed like that, sometimes..

[SpecialAgentGibbs] Oh PFFFTTTTTTT!

[SpecialAgentGibbs] How easy it is to make such BOLD claims yet tell everyone that we can't see it because it's only happening here or there...

[SpecialAgentGibbs] BUMPKUS!

[SpecialAgentGibbs] Please, stop with all these claims, UNLESS you can openly present the evidence to back it up!

[SpecialAgentGibbs] Is it true....MAYBE

[SpecialAgentGibbs] however, without some form of verification, stop telling people "we just can't see it"

[SpecialAgentGibbs] There's ONLY one thing that I cannot see, touch, feel or, smell that I truly believe in..... GOD himself!

SpecialAgentGibbs] Everything else is nothing more than speculation & BUMPKUS!

[SpecialAgentGibbs] Chew on that peeps...

[SpecialAgentGibbs] SAGOUT

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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