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Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Bluwolf: "Just a Phone Call Away"

7-16-2014 – BLUWOLF: Well my belief is that we are just a phone call away from entering the bank.

I know for a fact that Iraqí government is now officially sorted out and shall all be seated within hours. I also have received info on the placement of the new trn's.

The 8% taking only applies to cash extracts not to virtual accounts. As I have stated, CL gave you the time frame and the deadline is 7-20 for the GCR,

I will agree on that your rv should be casted off within hours, new PM new International Release.

Our bank is more than ready. One word to a certain lady of gossip, the Generals64/ Studley group is legit and it isn't and never will be a scam, so misses C be very careful how you carry on for you are telling lies about a legitimate group.

Na'maste Bluwolf

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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