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Wednesday, June 18, 2014

OUR Dinarian Journey by NorthernColoradoDinarian sent to Recaps

OUR Dinarian Journey

by NorthernColoradoDinarian

This "adventure" reminds me of when I decided at a young age that I wanted to travel and see the world.

I didn't know how I was going to do it - just that I was going to do it - one airport at a time. One military service contract (US Navy and Seabees) at a time. One civilian contract at a time.

And as I learned, one disappointment at a time, one-after-another, with seemingly endless reruns. Sound familiar?

But my fervent vision never lessened, and in fact, with every failed expectation it grew stronger - in my resolve to see a different set of hues and brights, waiving airborne on a different and distant foreign Color. Until the failures became successes, usually in front of fuzzy tired, dry, and red eyes.

Fast forward and I see now that I am very rich - indeed.

Not for what I started out with on that journey, but for what I came back with, over 40 countries and 40 US states later (and that is before learning about IQD, DONG, Baskets, and the pending GCR).

I am at least 50 now...

I can share that in the mid to late '90's I was witness to and involved in many international construction projects on a large scale both inland and marine based that boggled the mind even then. I often wondered where the money came from, especially in areas I was privy to in SE Asia, like Vietnam South and North in the Communist parts of that country, (where I attended certain efforts by invitation only) as well as Korea and particularly in China.

Interestingly though the efforts I saw in Aussie land, New Zealand, S Africa, and Central & S America seemed also to be tied to those throughout my primary areas of travel and work in SE Asia.

Anyway, the lessons I learned during my travels (over 2M miles) at the young age of 30 I eagerly applied, seeing each day as a field to practice on, a small work of art on a large piece of blank canvas to add my story to...

A story best told from a meager beginning, with no steps skipped.

That is the beauty of the life we are now painting in our prayers and in our daily struggles as we watch this "timber" prepare to fall...

I am enjoying the tour of our museum, and I think I understand now why I saw so much construction in THAT presence that made no sense but for the FUTURE.

Not unlike the Ghost Cities of China, interestingly enough...

The picture we study becomes more clear simply by stepping our collective nose back from the canvas, and allowing the details of this masterpiece to present themselves to the clarity we all seek.

Three years young into this venture, I believe in my "Knower" (to quote one of my favorites) we are witnessing the birth of a new Sun - rather than just a bright light - at the end of this tunnel.

So put your shades on, sit down, buckle up, and "Simmer down now..." as we embrace this final run.

Stop being so serious Peeps. This is NOT your life. It is your Future. Many have seemingly forgot this and tripped over their NOW, bumping their head on the way down.

Been there - done that.

Get up, wipe your pants off, and re-focus on the now life while you stay FOCUSED.

Work on YOUR museum NOW...give us all a reason to buy a ticket later.



via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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