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Saturday, June 21, 2014

BondLady Sat Morning Chat

[BondLady] you know like the USA saying how surprised security got so out of hand so quickly

[BondLady] and how many brigades fell very fast, for one the officers some of them and 1s that are high up on the chain of command

[BondLady] fled their posts and left the soldiers to defend the provinces best they could with out any kind of leadership and that's treason to do something like that

[BondLady] another thing, in articles from last week when they killed 7 I think of supposed daash when they uncovered their faces to see who they were they found them with disguises and fake beards etc

[BondLady]trying to hide who they were so their fellow Iraqis wouldn't know they could of been neighbors of theirs


or as most of these cases go its Iraqis being paid by some Iraqi officials to continue to do terrorist acts and act like they were daash to hide who actually paid for and had them do these things to continue to cause problems for Malikis gov and with no reguard for the poor Iraqi citizens lives

[BondLady] politians in iraqs gov is responcible for quite a bit of that and have been for over 3 yrs

[BondLady] then you all know Iraq doesn't like to be told or given ultimatums about their country by the USA or any other country

[BondLady] such as the USA calling for Maliki to step down to end the civil discord

[BondLady] you see Allawis block and the Kurd block never expected that the people through the elections would vote once again to give Maliki another term but they did and because of that you see why some of these supposed daash really weren't and they were placed and controlled by some of these groups to wreak havoc because of Malikis 3rd term.

So I can see why the USA is saying end your terms Maliki before they actually would support Iraq's move to fight terror

[BondLady] although they are already with advisers and like 300 military to protect our embassy there but also advisers of war to help them take back control of Iraq

[BondLady] but its not just daash their fighting as I explained above its also Al-queda too so you got the people and 2 big terrorist groups all in Iraq right now and fighting against Iraq for there own wants

[BondLady] I don't know much about this new guy Chalabi or whatever who their thinking about making PM

[BondLady] I wish they had better choices but it was always gonna be hard to beat Maliki he's favored by the people

[BondLady] like it or not he is but for the sake of Iraq, Maliki should probably go even though they would have to play catch up as far as knowledge and knowing how to be a PM and the decisions it would need to be the PM

[BondLady] experience is a lot here and like I said I don't know much about this man

[BondLady] but if Maliki was replaced it would at least halt or stop some of the personal attacks initiated by some of the GOI in protest of Malikis 3rd term. Iraqis saying to the USA don't tell us who to make PM, butt out of our business

[BondLady] Kurds say when the USA didn't agree with them over their oil exports basically if you can't agree with us then butt out or remain neutral

[BondLady] so really no one knows who will be the PM yet or if Maliki will actually get a 3rd term

[BondLady] all I know is this BS sharing power didn't work, major laws never got passed because of the stupid quota system and jealous GOI people who didn't get what they wanted in the last elections

[BondLady] as we say what extremes they would go to and did go to to wreak havoc in Iraq because they lost the elections. I say if you take one of them out take them all replace every one of them who did absolutely nothing for Iraq's people

[BondLady] they are so selfish and the lives of there citizens mean nothing to them when greed and power is what in reality drives them, that's what fills their hearts

[BondLady] I said for over 3 years this whole situation would happen if they didn't limit Malikis terms he is favored by the people

[BondLady] and the Shiites are afraid of the Sunnies because that consist of the baathist parties, Saddams blocs who want Shiites out of office who want to control Iraq

[BondLady] so in this sense they do need a GOI consisting of all

[BondLady] but they also need to move away from the quota system and go majority of all the tribes sunni shiite kurds turks , all of them

[BondLady] and make the majority votes count instead of this stupid if you don't give me what I want I won't give you what you want and I'll do every thing to sabotage Iraq, its gov and economy and security and that's what they have done

[BondLady] trying to split Iraq in half and pull off a civil war, anyway I'll try to find time to find out what kinda guy this Chalabi is and see what he might have to offer Iraq as a person, education and experience

[BondLady] I hope he can compete with Maliki. Iraq does need new blood but they need strong blood and good morals like Hakim and Talabani either of those would have been great for PM but neither want that headache either

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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