Don't WAIT!

Monday, June 16, 2014

"Chasing Dinarainbows and Unicamels" by Dr. Dinar Monday Afternoon

Chasing Dinarainbows and Unicamels

Is this thing for real? Yeah, this dinar RV deal. This entire GCR thing. Is any of this really and truly going to happen? Like, ever?? I'll bet there are quite a few folks asking themselves those very same questions right about now.

Not just family and friends of those afflicted with the RV Disease. Heck, they've had our rubber rooms reserved for us for many years now. It's nothing new to them that this once in a lifetime pipe dream has yet to materialize.

To them it's no surprise whatsoever that we aren't celebrating our new lives as millionaires. Heck no.

They knew from the very beginning that this pie in the sky, too good to be true Ponzi Scheme was just a scam perpetrated by the banks, the ABC Agencies and the self proclaimed behind the screens Gurus.

And so far, they're feelin' pretty good about their predictions.

And they won't hesitate to continue to remind us of that fact either. Are you rich yet? Did your ship reach port yet? How's that new Ferrari workin' out for ya? Enjoying your new Beach House? I'm sure you've all been on the receiving end of those jabs.

The naysayers that continue on with their relentless doubt filled statements, all in an effort to prove themselves right at the expense of your being wrong.

Which all serves to undermine your foundation, even just a little bit. For those of us that have been involved in this made for TV movie for many years, those that have done the research and built a foundation based on history and how it's extremely likely that history will repeat itself, I have a feeling we're fairing a bit better than those that have recently jumped on board the Insane Train.

Yes, I have a strong feeling that those folks among us that are relatively new to the game are going through those initial stages of serious doubt right about now.

Could the naysayers be right, could this all be a scam? Did I fall for another Pyramid Scheme just like my Brother in Law said I did? We all have those twinges once in a while, even us veterans. It's only natural.

At the end of the day it comes down to this being a currency speculation. Yes, a SPECULATION. There are no guarantees. Absolutely none.

We paid our money, we bought our currency, we all (well, most of us anyway) verified that we are over 48in. tall which means we're tall enough to ride this ride. Basically we're committed (some think we should have been committed long ago but that's another story) to this journey, however long it may take.

Long term investment? Yeah, we know. Believe me, we know. After all, how many times have we heard that. Not quite as many times as we've heard "It's goin' down tomorrow" but probably pretty darn close.

Which doesn't bode well for those that thought this was a guaranteed Lottery Ticket. Once they realized that this was going to take some time, they've had to do a bit of digging to create their foundation. A means of hanging on and hangin' in there.

And I feel sorry for those that have yet to go through the initial reality check. We all got in after hearing we only had a few days before it popped and suffering through the not knowing whether our shipment would arrive on time. Yep, been there, done that. And got the Fed Ex envelope to prove it.

Yet here we are, weeks, months, some of us years later and still amazed at how we could still be waiting. Wondering how all of these endless drop dead dates and deadlines could have slid by without a provable peep of factual facts to show for it.

Last I checked all the economies around the world should have crumbled at least four years ago. And yet here we are, with a world seemingly no worse for wear. Go figure.

And now we're back to the sounds of silence. Yep, Dinarland has once again been hushed in to submission and to be honest, the silence is deafening. We've all picked our faves along the way and whether you're a fan of the Newshounds or the Rumtellers, you've surely felt there was someone in Dinarland strummin' the right banjo.

But at the end of the day, here we sit with boxes of funny money and seemingly none of the all knowing Gurus were any more right or wrong than any of the others. We're all on the same playing field wondering who has the ball.

All part of the plan? Perhaps.

Maybe all this confusion was just part of a well executed plan of deception. Myself, I lean more towards the uncontrolled chaos of the situation creating most if not all the confusion. Not to mention all the behind the scenes corruption adding to the confusion. Mix it all together and you pretty much have the scenario we're currently living.

Does that mean we give up? Heck no! Does it mean we aren't any closer than we were when Iraq was released from Chapter 7 a year ago? Again, not necessarily but maybe so. But we HAVE to be closer, don't we? I'd sure like to think so anyway.

But closer doesn't necessarily mean close. Then again, it doesn't mean that we're not close. It only means that despite how often we might forget, things have happened and things are being done. Just not on our timeline. And not the one thing we want to be over and done which of course is the RV.

It comes down to making a choice. Do we bail out early, sell our currency back or do we continue to stay strong, to fight the good fight and to prove not only ourselves but to our family and friends that we were right. That this deal IS real. The we aren't just plain looney. That we aren't one Crayon short of a full box.

And to that I respond with a resounding YES! I'm not going anywhere.

I'm in it for the long haul.

I'm going to continue chasing Dinarainbows and one of these days I'm gonna catch me one of them Unicamels and ride it all the way to the bank!

Dr. Dinar

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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