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Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Why are there so many different articles that contradict themselves? from Ponee at Dinar Daily sent to Recaps

Why are there so many different articles that contradict themselves?

We say that Iraq can't make up their minds. We get frustrated that one day an article says they are deleting the zeros and the the next day they say they are not.

Let me tell you, They are not confused. It isn't a smoke screen as the gurus like to say.The problem lies with our lack of understanding of where the information is coming from. We tend to lump Iraq's political and financial news into one group. Thinking "IRAQ" said this and Iraq said that. But, you can't do this. Iraq isn't saying this stuff.

The information as you read it is being reported in regards to the different "parties" and "ministries" thoughts about what should be going on. It is just like if one reporter was to write an article about Obama Care from the Democratics view and another Wrote one from the Republican view. Now how different would those two articles be. How would each write about what is going to happen to Obama care? They would be conflicting wouldn't they. That is exactly what is happening with the topic of Revaluation/Redenomination of the dinar. Each party has a plan of "how it should be". And articles are written about each parties meetings. Iraq isn't one political party deciding together just as we aren't. You must take each article as only a piece of the puzzle and not as FACT of what is actually happening.

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The other thing you have to also realize is that Iraq's news is mostly based off of "opinion pieces and editorials". Much of what is printed as news from Iraq, is not based on facts, but instead, it is based on the writers opinion. Be careful how you read the articles.

And for those that rely on the gurus to interpret the articles and tell you what they say, please remember, they will take out what benefits them and their cause and leave all the rest out.

Become your own power. Read the articles to the best of your ability. I know it is like reading a scrambled word puzzle sometimes, but you will be amazed at how you mind will begin to understand the translations. The more you read them, the more you begin to understand them. And if you don't understand them, guess what, it is OK! Really it is. Because no matter what is written, this whole investment is going to play out the way it is supposed to anyway.


If you are feeling desperate today, bless someone else with a smile, or pay for the coffee of a stranger, donate a toy to a needy child, buy an extra meal at the fast food joint and humbly hand it to the homeless person you may have passed earlier, hug someone who seems unhuggable. As you take your mind off of where YOU are, even for a moment to bless others, you are free for that little bit of time from the desperate feeling inside you. And remember, what goes around comes around. A blessing will come to you... A smile when you need it, a hug to hold you together a meal when you are hungry...


via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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