Don't WAIT!

Monday, December 9, 2013

What All Dinarians Have In Common!

(Thank you BJ for sending this to Recaps)

What All Dinarians Have In Common!

1- The first time you bought Dinar, you rushed to the bank because you were told it could RV tomorrow, that was 10 years ago for me.

2- That sick to your stomach feeling because you are waiting for the Fed ex truck to get here with your order, hoping it RV’s, but wanting your order here first.

3- That awe feeling you got the first time you held a 25 thousand Iraqi Dinar note, to think this one piece of paper could be the answer to my dreams.

4- The looking at Dinar Recaps, every hour, even thru the night. I was so happy when Dinar Recaps started not posting after midnight, I was able to get a decent nights sleep again, hey, what’s that.

5- That first time you just knew it was time to RV and you stayed up all night. I can remember 2 years ago my husband and best friend stayed up at Walmart, waiting for the bank to open.

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6- That feeling you get every time you get a text late at night.

7- The knowing more than you want to know about Iraq than you do where you live.

8- That hard to make decision of whether to leave on vacation or not.

9- The best part we have in common is being able to dream again. I’ve got 10 years worth of dreaming to fulfill.

10- The hanging on to every word you are hearing on your favorite conference call.

11- That feeling that we just know that the RV is here!

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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