Don't WAIT!

Monday, December 23, 2013

Thoughts from Eagle1 Monday Evening Emailed to Recaps

Eagle1 » December 23rd, 2013,

After more than ten hours of ministry yesterday, the last thing I wanted to do was to get on the forum and do any posting. Ever since we began our three-times-weekly prayer calls, the time spent in ministering to folks, praying for others, teaching and still getting my Coffee Break articles published has intensified like you can't believe.

Anyway, that said, my intel sources continue to provide a fascinating picture (or rather pictures) of unfolding events globally. Glad to see Delta's quick post last night. Haven't talked to him but I suspect what he is referring to is parallel to what I've been seeing and hearing.

A quick review of some events for you:

Many months ago I published a post detailing the purposes of the Babylon II software that was implemented globally in the world banks. That process began last February.

The rollout was not without flaws and failures despite months and months of testing


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Without repeating a lot of what I said, the objective in the banking system was to enable daily adjustments in currency values while tracking the asset backing of each nation which would become the basis of each currency's valuation.

The functions incorporated in Babylon II make the software for Obamacare pale by comparison.

The new banking software was essential for compliance with the Basel III protocols. Those protocols require all participating banks to raise their asset base to a minimum of 10% of overall liabilities.

That sounds nuts when you think about it but when you realize that banks have been operating at a level of 5% since 1999 during the Clinton administration -- a level incidentally which resulted in the 2007-2008 crash of so many banks -- you can understand that greed and the desire for increased profits motivated that downward shift in 1999.

Former Fed Chairman, Paul Volcker, strenuously objected to the lowering of those standards in 1999, along with allowing banks to get into investment strategies for which they were not designed (or prepared) such as hedge funds, derivatives trading, etc., etc.

The Volcker Rule, which was just added to the Dodd-Frank regulations in the past few weeks, is an attempt to repair the cause of the banking debacle.

Even the 10% asset level, in my personal opinion, puts banks at continued risk -- especially when you have the kind of exploded economy we've been suffering through during the past five years.

A quick example, if you don't mind. When I was the president of Union Bond & Trust Company in the 80's, Hong Kong-Shanghai Bank (now HSBC) offered me $50 Million for one year at 7%, payable in arrears. At the time, it meant I could lend out $500 Million during that year. At prevailing interest rates, I could easily make $50 Million and more during the year, return the $50 Million loan at year's end plus the seven percent and be fat and happy.

The catch was that if any of my bank officers made risky loans, I could get hung out to dry and be liable for those funds without the ability to repay in a timely fashion.

We do business locally with Yakima Federal Savings & Loan for our ministry. They are easily the strongest banking institution in the northwest and one of the strongest in the nation. They keep their asset base at around 27% (and at the moment are nearing 30%). By comparison, this past year Bank of America was sanctioned by the FDIC because their asset level fell to 4.57%.

You get the picture!

With the Global Currency Reset in the offing, the implementation of the Volcker Rule is highly significant.

The major banks have been required to implement this rule immediately, while smaller banks will have until 2015 to get out of the various investment portfolios they are involved with.

The chief concern, and the primary logic behind the implementation of this rule, is that with the GCR taking place and many people holding different currencies, among which are the IQD and the VND, there will be a sudden influx of cash into the banks and the banking system as a whole.

Banks will suddenly have multiplied millions of dollars on deposit that they can turn around and reinvest into legitimate banking operations.

The Volcker Rule prevents banks from using those funds in riskier endeavors and putting depositors' monies at risk.

Many of you will remember the "false flag" events that preceded Kuwait's revalue 20 years ago and China's revalue more recently. In each case, just prior to the revaluation of their currencies, notices were published which were designed to deflect any immediate attention to what was actually occurring.

China made the statement that they weren't going to revalue their currency "at all" and 24 hours later did just that! With Kuwait, a notice was sent out by the Emir that they were postponing the revalue of their currency to some indefinite date. 24 hours later the Kuwaiti Dinar was revalued.

Whether we've just seen a "false flag" with regard to Iraq or the GCR is a matter for some discussion. All of the information leading up to yesterday indicated that the GCR would go "live" at 5:50 PM Eastern.

Throughout the day we watched events unfold leading up to it. At the last minute, the process was halted and the delay was attributed (by some sources) as pushing it right up to Iraq's induction into the WTO. Whether there is any validity in that report is questionable.

In a conversation this morning with a representative from the WTO, I posed the question as to whether we were going to get to see this event yet this year or whether it would get pushed off to mid-January (most likely January 21st).

Apparently that question was also on this representative's mind and he said that he had put that same question to three of the central bankers who are part of the GCR process. Each of them in succession swore up and down that the GCR absolutely HAD TO HAPPEN before the end of 2013.

We shall see, won't we?

There is an underlying issue that we've seen little if any discussion about in the national news media. One of my sources within the current administration stated that American investors own more Chinese debt than the Chinese government owns of American debt, and that this has been a real sticking issue.

There has been a considerable amount of discussion regarding a bond-swap or a debt swap between the U.S. and China. This debt-swap hangs on the revaluing of the Iraqi Dinar, along with the revalue of the Chinese Yuan and the devaluation of the U.S. Dollar.

Thus, the GCR is a critical component of this agreement. I do not claim to know any of the details of the swap and no one has shared those details with me. What is absolutely fascinating to me is that NONE of the financial news agencies have picked this news up in their reporting.

I have repeatedly posed the following question (in view of the controversy over whether or not there would simply be a revalue of the IQD with a global revalue of other currencies to follow at some later date) to folks at the IMF, people within the current administration, and contacts who were part of the original planning for the GCR and served on the Council of Economic Advisors in both Bush Administrations

My question was, "Is it possible that we will only see the RV of the Dinar, and that a GCR will follow at some later time?"

The instant answer in each and every case has been a resounding, NO!

Their reasoning has been that because the GCR is an impending event, and there are far too many individuals who are aware of it and the currencies within it that are due for major gains in value, to simply release the IQD at its new rate and not simultaneously release the other currencies at their new rates would result in massive spending by people who were using the revalue of the IQD to "double-dip" with the Dong or the Rupiah or the Won, or other currencies.

It could result in serious economic issues and chaos for the countries whose currencies had yet to revalue.

There are other background issues relating to the release of the GCR that I am unable to share. What I can say is that our local fellowship has been directly involved in praying over some of the individuals who are a direct part of the process. It has been a joy for us to see direct answered prayer as God has intervened for the individuals in question.

Once again, family, this Global Currency Reset is a God-Event! This is Kingdom driven. Despite the fact that there are individuals, investors, banking institutions and investment groups who will profit from this event who have personal agendas that are not Kingdom-oriented, the largest purchasers of the IQD, the VND, the IDR and other currencies are people and organizations who will utilize this new-found wealth for the growth and expansion of God's Kingdom.

We WILL see the complete funding and resources available for the last great harvest of souls prior to the return of the Lord Jesus Christ.

It is counter-productive for us to become side-tracked with the accusations of "greedy bankers," the "elites" who are profiting at our expense, and all of the other nonsense. All that does it to stir up anger.

In the end, who cares if there are folks who profit unfairly? Who cares if the "elites" get in line ahead of us?

If there are people who are able to derive gigantic returns in proportion to what we receive, does it really matter in the end? Who do you trust? Who do you fear?

If you are afraid of those who are greedy or profit unfairly, then your focus is in the wrong place! If you trust the monies you get following the revalue instead of trusting the Lord as your source of supply, you will ultimately lose those gains in the long run. This GCR is not about us: it is about what the Kingdom of God receives in the end.

Lastly, let me quote one of the central bankers who had this to say over the weekend. "Ignore those bloggers who quote these ridiculous double-digit rates and keep telling you, 'It has happened.' When it happens, everyone will know it.

Sorry to be so windy, folks!

Let me take this opportunity to wish you all the best and merriest Christmas you've ever known. Enjoy the gift of the Lord Jesus Christ and His presence in your life!

Blessings on you.


via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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