Don't WAIT!

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Thursday Afternoon TD Post emailed to Recaps

Hello Recaps ; thought I'd do a quick fly by and provide an update :

There are reports from some Intel Providers that are promising a 100% RV by Friday or this weekend. I'm sorry to disagree and am offering up what I learned just while back from my contact.

Iraq and all the Muslim world is celebrating Eid Al-Adha, a festival of sacrifice, by remembering the prophet's Abraham's trials by God's testing him on sacrificing his son. Muslims themselves slaughter an animal such as sheep and rejoice by having a feast, sharing this with friends & family and donating 1/3 to the poor.

As I've reported before that during such festivals, which can run a week long (this one was marked this Tuesday) , priorities are prayer, family & friends time and matters of financial significance are NOT on the priority list. We are again in the middle of that kind of celebration. Most all businesses have short operating hours and I'm told that the CBI is "basically half closed".

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In my chat , my source expressed the sigh of relief of the USA settling the government shutdown/debt ceiling debacle and he remarked how unfortunate it is for the leader of the world's economy to have to lose credibility in the world stage every few months with repeated soap opera style debacles, He expressed Iraq's willingness to conclude their affairs before the next "world crisis" comes about as an obstacle.

He indicates that there's very little on the to do checklist for Iraq and a good window of opportunity is toward the latter days of this month.

Of course no one knows the exact date and I'm just relaying my info but based on what I'm told about this week, the festival and limited business operations so I doubt anything will take place just yet.

You have to believe though, that time is ever increasingly becoming our ally. Iraq for their own stability and growth have to enter international investment & financial markets soon.



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