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Monday, October 7, 2013

from Eagle Has Landed - HOW and WHEN Iraq will repay Kuwait in full

from Eagle Has Landed

HOW and WHEN Iraq will repay Kuwait in full.

On June 27, 2013 following the UN Security Council meeting regarding Iraq and Chapter VII, Mr. Hoshyar Zebari (Iraq) gave a press conference to the Security Council media stakeout.

A journalist specifically asked the question regarding Iraq's indebtedness to Kuwait at approximately 4:17 of the video listed below. Mr. Zebari stated that a repayment Agreement was in place,that $52 Billion has already been paid by Iraq to Kuwait (as of the date of the press conference 6-27-2013) and that $11 Billion was still owed by Iraq to Kuwait, that payments were being made and that at the current pace of the payments the debt would be paid off in full by the end of 2015.

Whether or not Iraq still owes Kuwait money has nothing to do with the RV as a binding Agreement is in place and has been fully approved by the parties and the UN Security Council.

The question was asked in English, the answer was given in English (some were in Arabic) and as such there should be no confusion as to what was actually stated. One guru says the debt is paid and another says the debt is not paid. Why not let the parties in interest let us know how the debt is being dealt with?

here is the video....

Peace, Eagle Has Landed

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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