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Saturday, October 4, 2014

Thoughts From Arthur 10-4-14

10-4-14 Arthur: For the most part I have never believed in delays which I see as manufactured by people when they are wrong about the RV happening on a given date.

I see things as just happening as they are supposed to according to the progress Iraq makes toward economic and political stability.

But per an extensive talk with my Iraqi contact, I now believe there has been several recent delays to this overall process.

The first unforeseen circumstance was grossly underestimating the deleterious impact of DAASH and the ineffectiveness of the Iraqi military as led by Maliki to deal with that situation as it unfolded over the end of the summer.


Due to a combination of disdain and distrust for Maliki, and their unwillingness to put their lives on the line for what they saw as a corrupt dictatorial regime,

DAASH was allowed to get disproportionately out of control and became a delaying factor as is evidenced by the unprecedented international military response to the ISIL threat to Iraq's sovereignty.

Another delay is what I call the Maliki factor as in how long it took to get him out of office, all the enormous corruption they have uncovered, including undoing the damage from his inept maintenance of the security file (MOD/MOI) and from all the money he stole or otherwise misappropriated in conjunction with lower global oil prices than originally expected which has engendered a budget deficit that none of their economist nor the UN and U.S. financial experts were prepared for.

This has therefore delayed completion of the GOI and caused complexities to the budget that has called for several recent amendments leading to the reason we are now projected after Eid al Adha as opposed to before then as PM Abadi originally promised.

The good side effect to these delays is that it has allowed the banking/CBI side to progress monetary reform preparation beyond what they would have otherwise accomplished

Which when combined with the new unified government has allowed parliamentary quorum conducive for passing all the necessary legislation that now has Iraq on the verge of a monumental moment in their history that will finally allow the PTB/AOP to give the green light to restore Iraq back into the international community with the monetary reform and restoration of the IQD in the very near future...

As just tonight their TV news announced they would begin to finalize their monetary reform right after Eid al-Adha.

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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