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Thursday, August 7, 2014

Thursday Morning News Summaries by Aggiedad77 at KTFA

aggiedad77 » August 7th, 2014,

Thursday Morning News Summaries and Commentaries

This is starting off like it would be a slow news day....but I believe things will soon crank up and we will be enlightened to a few things that shouldn't come as a surprise on this and see how things unfold for the day....Crank up they did....wowsers....lots of articles but not much in the way of variety for the news today.

Blocs agree to postpone the commissioning request Shiite prime minister and the Liberal waiting .. "reveal things" in today's session

Now this makes is believed that any attempt by Maliki to form a new government will simply lead to issues concerning getting a quorum for Parliament to meet.....blocs did agree that the work on naming a new PM should be postponed at the request of the National Alliance and will not be on the agenda going forward for today's Parliament session....


Asking for an extension until the Saturday session. Meanwhile the Liberal bloc may have some "things" to reveal in today's session....perhaps today is "dirty laundry day" for Parliament.....this is all making Maliki mad.....and in my is becoming increasingly apparent that Maliki is the biggest bloc....the biggest "bloc-head".....he can't see the trees because they are all cut down....all the other blocs stand against what he stands for....

Maliki is quickly becoming a pimple on the back side of Parliament....festering into a boil....his support internally is falling away, almost 50% have turned their backs on him it would appear....but the boil continues to heat up....meanwhile the Parliament session will merely address discussion concerning the Law of the Federal Court.

The President is bending over backwards in giving the National Alliance time to get their act together and yet they take things down to the wire....which is to be is Iraq after all....and they do learn from the things to watch today....Parliament's session and what comes of it....any meetings by the National Alliance leadership and what comes of those meetings as well.

House restores fiscal balance to the government

A commitment out of Parliament concerning the 2014 budget....yes indeed....they have decided it needs to be re-drafted....I have to applaud this only took 8 months and a whole new Parliament to arrive at this that many of us saw a need for back in January, but apparently there was no one in the old Parliament that had the "gumption" to take this they have asked the Ministry of Finance...."just what has been disbursed thus far in 2014" last a group that is not afraid to ask the difficult questions.....what comes of this should be interesting.

International Criminal Court received three lawsuits condemns al-Maliki as a war criminal

It appears that an International Criminal Court has received lawsuits on Thursday that charge Maliki with war crimes that stem to Army involvement in several Iraq cities over the past 8 years....including Fallujah and Hawija. The Court, located in the Hague, said that it received the three lawsuits filed against Maliki actually on Wednesday that have documented evidence as well as video footage and testimony that would convict him of war crimes, human rights violations, and issues with executions of prisoners and demonstrators....this should be interesting to see where this effort goes from is Maliki safe from any prosecution.....I don't think so.

Director of the Office of Advocacy in London confirms the loss of al-Maliki and the third term Ckal vows to blow up Parliament

Ok....even the London Director of the Dawa Party seems ready to dismiss Maliki in his bid for a third term as Prime seems that the Director fears the looming prosecutions against Maliki....are the walls indeed crumbling.....or is there a sleeve of Maliki's that we have yet to tear away and must wonder what is yet hidden there?

Important and urgent and very dangerous al-Maliki will not give up the office!

Maliki was recorded today concerning the largest bloc of Parliament....he told the Speaker of Parliament...."of course I am the biggest bloc....and I will set up the government".......this statement is completely devoid of any "we" effort on his has come down to "M" being the biggest herd bull in the feedlot....the least in his what happens now....make jerky.

Adjournment of the House of Representatives to next Sunday

The Speaker of Parliament adjourned the session today and reset the schedule for Sunday.....but they were able to accept the resignations of the governor of Najaf, who was the brother I believe to the former Speaker of Parliament, as well as the Minister of the Environment......they also formed a committee to review the legal regulation of the Federal Court and Federal Council.

Disagreement between al-Maliki and the rule of law and Ameri underlines the lack of his candidacy for a third term

Apparently Maliki got told last night by political entities within his own party that he would not be supported for a third the bloc-head got mad and there was steam emitting from around the ears.....Maliki was told there was need for change to overcome mistakes from the past (Maliki's mistakes)....and he was not the candidate to make those kinds of change and do things for the best benefit of the Iraqi people.....will he listen.....sadly...probably not.....but then again.....neither have other world leaders over the years who have found themselves in similar positions.

President Fouad Musaum up Parliament and hold a meeting with al-Jubouri, to discuss the issue of the candidate of the biggest

A Kurd President of the Republic meeting with a Sunni President/Speaker of Parliament meeting to discuss the issue of the hour, the day, the month......what bloc is to be considered biggest and gets to name its candidate for Prime Minister.....that these two are willing to talk is a good sign IMO of growing unity for Iraq. As to the outcome of this meeting we continue to is known that any decision about the PM and which bloc will name the candidate has been postponed to Sunday. Meanwhile in a meeting between Speaker Jafaari, and the leader of the National Alliance and Maliki it was heard that Maliki lost his a resolution is still in the making for now.

Deputy for the citizen: (70) deputies from within the rule of law objecting to the third term

70 MP's of the Citizen bloc....a part of the National Alliance bloc....have made it known that they object to Maliki seeking or gaining a third term.....the Kurds are also being vocal about not supporting the SOL at the moment because Maliki is their only candidate at the moment.....of course members of the State of Law bloc have jumped out and accused the Citizen bloc of be expected.

Ssayasaon: the intransigence of al-Maliki to stay in power would turn Iraq into a battleground

Picturing a bloody battlefield....the scenario that comes to mind if Maliki ends up staying in power....not a good thing for Iraq....after Maliki's weekly speech on Wednesday, politicians see a clear threat from Maliki if he is not allowed to continue forward in a third term.....Maliki's ire knows no limits....knows no moral foundation....he is power hungry and is like a wolf that has not eaten in many days....anything and anyone becomes prey.

Source: Maliki relatives roam the provinces to win the support of the new deputies money

Maliki relatives are given free reign to roam the countryside of Iraq providing money to those who seem they can be swayed to join Maliki as part of his support team.....yes it is about power....but in the end it all boils down to money....who has it....who can use it effectively....sadly shaking my head....Maliki's threats that came from yesterday concerning "opening the gates of hell" if he is not given the third term.....that is scary....but it should not sway those who have a decision to make regarding what is the biggest bloc and who the candidate will be from that bloc for PM.

Mohammed Iqbal: Saleem al-Jubouri was Tkalv resign if al-Maliki to form a government

So Jubouri, Speaker of Parliament announces if Maliki is allowed to form the new government, he will resign.....if I were a betting man.....I would wager that he will not be the only resignation if Maliki stays in power.....I see the President of the Republic resigning as well....and then follows a steady stream of newly elected MP's of Parliament heading out the door with them.

Maliki angrily out of the meeting of the National Alliance due to the growing calls for his resignation

Yes Maliki has been mad....too many people of power calling for his resignation....Maliki's threats from yesterday still are in the air as members of the National Alliance work to come up with a candidate for PM that doesn't include Maliki....this brings new ire to Maliki's mad cow rant....everyone is putting blame on Maliki for the overall conditions that exist in Iraq today.

Abadi has been re-current year budget to the government and demand of financial position and cash funding and revenue and advances

First Deputy Chairman of Parliament, Abadi, sat in on the second meeting of the Interim Committee to discuss the 2014 budget....they have plans to seek to determine what funds have been spent for they have a position for taking their recommendations forward to the Parliament in the near future.....they are meeting with various ministries to determine how and where money has been spent thus far.....that should be an interesting find on their part....probably catching many ministries off mean we were supposed to keep track of that kind of stuff.....wait a minute....sounds like you want to hold us one mentioned that before now.

Free Iraq published a draft law of the Federal Court to be enacted by Parliament

Common sense is being seen within Iraq...imagine that....this article talks of the draft Federal Court Law that is being enacted by Parliament....that it is setting up the Federal Court as the high law of the land....that they cannot and should not be leaned upon by Parliament or anyone within the government to include the President of the Republic or the Prime Minister in carrying out their duties and sworn prevent what happened in 2010 when Maliki did his own leaning act with them at the time to get things changed that assured him of his second victory....these individuals are professionals at their jobs and should be treated with the highest of esteem for their efforts, enjoying the appropriate legal personality for the positions in which they hold.

National Alliance leaders hold a meeting this evening to resolve the file the biggest bloc and the prime ministerial candidate

National Alliance leaders meet at the head of their bloc's they are not playing bridge or Pinochle....instead they are trying to set records for making Maliki one had contacted the Guinness Book of World Records yet....but sources close to the dust-bunnies under the sofa say that Maliki is close to boiling again.....he sits there and listens to the talk of what bloc is biggest...what candidate shall we choose....and he is not hearing any mention of State of Law or his own name.....but I am here, here I sit in your home, why are you all not on your knees before me, I only seek a third term as Prime Minister, Grand Poopa, of Iraq....what are you bickering about....what is left to discuss....the pressure cooker rumbles and rattles on the burner....steam burns and they are all careful to sit a safe distance from this boiling pot.....they are all thoughtful of the "gates of hell" being opened....they are just far enough away to be out of range of the they do not have current rabies shots. Just be careful National Alliance....backing a jackal into a corner is serious business.

Parliament re-project going forward to the government to formulate its clauses of the New

Ok Family....applause is needed here please....this new Parliament has done something the former Parliament froze in fear of doing......they have redrafted the budget, at least portions of it.....they recognize the fact that many areas of the government have taken it upon themselves, often at Maliki's urging to spend the money that is "supposed" to be in the 2014 budget....this severely messes with what was given to Parliament as a budget back in they have re-written applicable aspects of the budget and pitched it back to the put the "monkey" back on their shoulders now to bring forth a version that is applicable to the crisis that is being faced today.....not that which was present 8 months ago that has drastically changed.

Infallible and the presidency of the parliament will hold a meeting at the 11th in the evening

Some of their best efforts have come "in the still of the night".....we see this potential again with an 11 pm for some positive results coming forth from this meeting.....unity representation here....a Kurd President, Sunni Speaker of the House....and Sunni and Shiite Deputies of the House.

What a plethora of news we ended up with this morning.....

all primarily focused on two issues....Maliki and the PM position....

boiled down to Maliki....Me....Me...Me


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