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Saturday, August 9, 2014

Lojak Update: " Two Major Hurdles Were Crossed Yesterday"

8-8-14 Lojak: I have refrained from posting for several weeks, but I wanted to emphasize a couple of very important points. Two major hurdles were crossed yesterday.

1) Masoum has now dictated that the National Alliance is the largest bloc. The SOL has recognized that fact, as they have been meeting with the Alliance to come up with THE name.

2) the SOL has dumped Maliki, and is taking two names into the Alliance meeting with them--Najm and Abadi.

It is those two things yesterday that all should be very happy about. Now that the largest bloc is settled and the SOL has relented and agreed to nominate someone--the rest is "gravy". I would anticipate that we will see a name by tomorrow.


We checked with our sources at the State Department yesterday about the possibility of Abadi being the new guy. I was concerned that another SOL guy was about win.

They responded that he would be a very good candidate and the US would fully support his nomination. As was posted here yesterday, he was formally the head of the Parl. Finance committee and is very publically pro RV.

Once we see the new PM seated, once again Obama will pop out and announce boots on the ground in Iraq, and a coalition of countries will join us in eradicating ISIS.

Jabouri has been working to get many, many laws passed behind the scenes that you guys don’t know about--which is why the Parl. web site is down a lot.

Once the new PM is in position, our RV will be shown.

Stay tuned.

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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