Don't WAIT!

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Randy Koonce Update Saturday 4-5-14

Randy Koonce Update.....How are you makin it.

I am adding a date to archive..Saturday, April 5, 2014

I have again waited a little while before I send out a note..

I know everyone wants me to have a call but these notes do the trick too......

Ok. the pressure is on for Maliki he is just about to bounce off the walls to get this out and the IMF has drug their feet and making Maliki sign off on things Like HCL and Budget, and etc....

I am going to state every thing is done that has to be done for the RV to take place so no one has to ask the question does Iraq need this to RV..... Answer is NO... They are Ready...

Every Day is a Hot day until the election.....


I want everyone to know that this can go off on any day of the week, I like Sundays and Thursdays but that means nothing the window is as open as I have ever seen this thing be......

You ask why can't I give a specific date..... the reason is I do not control the RV "i wish I did would save me many a phone call.."

Ok here is the Skinny....... I cannot give you intel because it is very sensitive at the time ......

I can say the CBI is ready Maliki is ready and the IMF is getting ready so when the stars align like they are now the window is open wide........ and do not worry about what ifs just wait until it happens and then go to a bank and cash in if you have more than 1 million in dinar you can negotiate the cbi rate and no fees.

The thing with groups pick people you know do not fall for the 800# and private stuff the rate will be the rate and you will not be able to get more than what the bank pays..... the last rate that was given to us is between 2 and 3 dollars.

The Banks all and I mean All banks will participate in the exchange, that deal in foreign currency. DO NOT WORRY ABOUT whether or not you will be able to cash in Take your time and Breathe..... if you want cash a little then go back do some more.....

I BELIEVE THAT WE WILL BE DONE BY THE MIDDLE OF APRIL...... if for some reason we are not I will get the reason..... but for now all parties are aligning very well.

So tonight to the middle of April is extremely important to us in this investment.....

Continue to check the cbi website for the rate change...... if they do it in the mornings Iraq time that is around 12 midnight to 2 in the morning..... those have been good window following when the bank updates its screens.

RELAX and be smart about your money it is a currency very hard to track... so do not give it to anyone other than a bank or dealer on exchange and get your money back at the same time if you have to wait go somewhere else..... DO NOT LET IT OUT OF YOUR SITE UNTIL YOU GET MONEY IN RETURN..... PLEASE BE SMART ABOUT IT...

I have started making plans for the Austin event so if you want to go just send me email.... i will setup a web page to register.... if we get past the next 4 days and no RV I will do a call.......

Check CBI.IQ


Check every day to see if it has changed... do not take a guru or a post about in country RV or any thing else do not be fooled just check the CBI

Do not let your emotions get to you.

Randy Koonce

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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