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Friday, April 4, 2014

Friday News Summaries from Aggiedad77 at KTFA

aggiedad77 » April 4th, 2014,

Friday News Summaries

Commission Najaf: Distribution of [730] A voter card across the province

Across the province of Najaf, the distribution of voter ID cards has reached about they continue to work on getting these cards into the hands of all eligible voters.

Website: Iraq is seeking to borrow two billion dollars from a U.S. bank to finance the purchase of 40 Boeing aircraft

The Iraqi Ministry of Transport is attempting to obtain a $2 billion dollar loan from the Export-Import Bank in the US for the purchase of 40 Boeing aircraft that have been committed to Iraq for delivery. It will be interesting to see how they manage to pay for these aircraft....hope the loan goes thru.


Central bank: 15 Arab and foreign banks opened branches in Iraq since the beginning of this year

Over the past three months there have been 15 Arab and foreign banks opening branch offices in Iraq....these banks have been approved by the CBI.

Nassif accuses Najafi duplicity and withdrawal of members of the mass of the parliament session and the disruption of budget

There continue to be complaints made about the Speaker of the House, Najafi, so what else is new.....this is dirty politics at its greatest...pretending to the public to be in favor of passing the budget but on the inside.....not allowing it to happen....shaking my head.....Maliki continues to try to circumvent the Parliament by going to the Federal the meantime Parliament is adjourned until Sunday.

First Kurdistan stock exchange to be opened in August

The Erbil Stock Exchange has plans to open in August 2014.

Kurdish lawmaker holds the government responsible for the legal errors in the budget and the delay in approval

An MP from Kurdistan is stating that the federal government is a fault for the problems and issues found within the 2014 budget and for the delay in getting it approved.....this MP makes good and valid points at to the problems....but they are past problems.....which will do nothing for today.....or remedy issues of on the here and now and forget what happened or didn't happen in the past....fix it now and move on.

Kurdish channels broadcast images of a "new" Talabani and sources suggest his return to Iraq in two weeks

Kurdistan news channels have been broadcasting new photos of Talabani in what appears to be a return on his part to Iraq within the next 2 weeks.....they are stating that the photos of T were taken on March 21 of this year.

News Summaries thus far for Friday......Randy

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