Don't WAIT!

Friday, August 30, 2013

12thMan Posted in Comments Friday afternoon

I have been saying all week I felt like I would be sitting in a leather plush seat today and well...I just did. While at a local church fixing the roof, I received a call from my wealth manager.

Just to give some background, I only go to this bank once a month around the 15th. This bank has the Well Water Missions account and where I will do my CE. The WM wouldn't say why he needed me to come in but please do so this morning. So I did and I'm very thankful I did.

So as I go into the bank, enter my WM office, I see a new leather chair there for me to sit in. I say nice chair...he says, Our bosses boss told us to go get some new furniture this past week. I just smiled. So, I say you asked me to come in...what's up? He went on to tell me that our missions account received a large anonymous donation as of this morning. I said oh really....that's a AWESOME blessing from God. I asked if he could tell me where it came from...He said Peru. Now this is wonderful news...1st, the leather chair came true, 2nd planting the seed in Peru brought our mission funds 10 fold which is down right Amazing...truly the work of a greater power...GOD!

Ok, while there, a special someone came in the office. A certain man of Great level for that bank came in and said I would like to talk with you. I said ok and he entered. He shut the door and we began. He knew who I was and that I received a large donation this morning. I figured he was a WM too but found out he has been put in charge of validating that all his branch's are RV ready. He knew that I was a currency holder and the other 30 plus church members that go through me. I said, ok you know all this, why do you wish to speak to me...I'm just a poor working servant of the Lord. He says directly to me...that sir will be changing. I said oh really...he said, if it wasnt about to happen, I wouldn't be going around making sure all is in place.

He told me he rarely sets foot in his banks. Well he went on to say we're here to help me and my church family with the CE. I said thank you and said see you next week...and He said I believe we will sir...please remember, i go into that bank on the 15th and he never's Here my Friends. This is going to be Amazing! With all that, i want to say Thank You to whomever sent the blessing from Peru...God is so AMAZING. Plus the Holy Spirit was spot on...Today is a day that the Lord has made....rejoice in it and give God all the praise! WHOOP!

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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