Don't WAIT!

Monday, August 1, 2016

Bits and Pieces in Dinarland Monday Afternoon 8-1-16


Dr. Mark:  Someone is figuring this out: Investors flee U.S. stock funds despite new highs - USA TODAY  LINK

Dr. Mark:  US corporate defaults head for highest since 2010 – Moody’s  LINK

Dr. Mark:  QE-forever cycle will have an unhappy ending A combination of QE and t​he prospect of fresh fiscal stimulus won’t generate a recovery   LINK

Dr. Mark:  So, this mornings articles state that people are leaving the markets, corporate defaults are on the rise and the world is figuring out that QE is "not" a solution....the world needs an answer!!!!!

Healthnut:  I don't know if the derivatives have to go before the RV, but I do know that they can't exist with an asset backed currency. One way or the other, I hope they get this show on the road.

BeagleEyes:  Healthut: I heard that the derivitives would react neg. during the night and then the stocks and bonds would take a few days to respond in the form of a "crash". If you look at the stocks in EU they are ALL down right now.

Healthnut:  Good to hear that BeagleEyes, let's get this ball rolling.

David120:  Here is the best Quote, that I know of when it comes to central banks, "if you want to know where you are going in the future, all you have to do is look further back into the past," Winston Churchhill

TurtleIsland1:  Quote  “And the good thing about the Fed removing all these documents from their website - it's ANOTHER SIGN that we are nearing the end of this process started in the early 1960's by Alan Greenspan, Stephen Devaux and their Patriotic Friends!”

Bix Weir Aug. 1 2016 Federal Reserve Bank of Boston has REMOVED the Road to Roota Documents that had been posted

Bix Weir Aug. 1 2016

 Bix Weir <>

I enjoy trying to find signs as to the status of our battles for our freedom from the Bad Guys. In the old days it was pretty hard to track them down but now it's fairly easy.

The latest failing of the EU stress test of the Italian bank Monte Paschi was a clear signal to the world that the European Banks are about to planned!

Let's face it, the EU could have easily hidden this problem as they have countless times before but have chosen not to do so THIS TIME - when the BREXIT and negative interest rates have weakened the European Banking system beyond repair.

 Timing tells all.

 So it was not a shock to me when someone pointed out that the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston has REMOVED the Road to Roota Documents that had been posted on their website since January 1, 2007 (originally with BIG RED exclamation points!). I knew this day would come and I prepared in advance by downloading all the documents and archiving them. You can find them in the "Resources" tab here:

Road to Roota Resources - Original Fed Boston Documents

I am sure at some point in the near future that my website will be hacked and these documents will disappear so I have also taken many precautions to preserve these very important pieces of History including making hard copies, digital copies with off site storage as well as something I am going to ask you to do right now.

PLEASE download the following articles and save them on your own computer for safe keeping.
Wishes and Rainbows - Jan 2007 (Federal Reserve Bank, Boston)
Road to Roota (Teacher's Guide) - Jan 2007(Federal Reserve Bank, Boston)

Banking Basics - Jan 2007(Federal Reserve Bank, Boston)
Banking Basics - Original 1987 (Federal Reserve Bank, Boston)
If we get enough of us working to preserve the past - we can secure our future.
And the good thing about the Fed removing all these documents from their website - it's ANOTHER SIGN that we are nearing the end of this process started in the early 1960's by Alan Greenspan, Stephen Devaux and their Patriotic Friends!
Learn more about the Road to Roota Theory in this video:
VIDEO: Discovering the Road to Roota - Bix Weir

May the Road you choose be the Right Road.


Dinar Updates:

firefly   Article:  "Parliamentary Finance is discussing with the new managers of the banks to maintain liquidity"  Quote:  "Parliamentary Finance Committee discussed with the new bank directors, maintaining Iraq's cash flow from waste, as well as discuss the Banking Act."  as well as discuss the Banking Act. 

Quote:   "These meetings aim to walk according to the draft reforms as well as for the organization of Iraqi banks and prevent manipulation."  the draft reforms...REFORMS!!! 

Expect some great news this week.  I'm looking for some huge items mid week. 
ALWAYS follow the money.  They could talk economic reforms all they want but... What can you do at 1166?
Emailed to Recaps:

SITREP   12:00:00 EST  MONDAY   AUGUST 1, 2016 

Good Monday,

What an impactful yet invisible weekend of rapid and continued progress.  

All T3 & T4 paymasters were hydrated​ with golden digital accounts, which means gold backed credits can ledger transfer whenever said paymasters receive the last of three release codes from a global consortium of decision-makers, we'll call them "The Committee" for a lack of a better term.

"The Committee" constantly reviews and considers all options and aspects to the RV, stewards all continents and populations, double checks all financial data inputs to determine the best possible release moment for all 8 billion inhabitants of earth. 

Remember all finances are inter-connected now, so everything effects everyone else, simultaneously.  

Yes, there are very old Chinese Elders involved in "The Committee", as there are European Sovereign Families, as well as African Nation Sovereigns, as well as traditional global oversight names that are known to the public, and a handful of banking giants that are and will forever go unknown.
There are also benevolent other worldly "guides" helping to steer us through this transitional process, ever towards a harmonious and successful conclusion / beginning for all human beings involved.  

We are most grateful for this assistance.  Thank you dear old and wise friends.

No one is in a rush too release too early, nor are they desiring to delay and release too late--as they to have a boss, who has given them a cosmic back wall none-of-us are privy too.  

Over the weekend, they made several incremental yet monumental strides, and are quickly finalizing the new financial system master ledger to replace the old master ledger by reconciling all central bank holdings and updating sovereign liquidity via several new and improved government treasuries & leaderships.  

Nothing is really all that dramatic anymore, as the final implementation and release moment is drawing closer by the second. All nations of the world want and need the RV to survive.

However, the great irony is that the closer we get to our GCR/RV, the more anxious many become because they can sense something wonderful is brewing at the micro or street level.  

In turn, "The Committee" then functions with greater secrecy and  cloaks their macro moves in greater obscurity--until their final release moment happens by pure default, less any major announcement or fanfare.  

The RV will just kinda happen, and in an instant, all 209 sovereign nations will be permanently transitioned.  And no matter how eager we might be as individual chess pieces, the chess board will change without our detection--as this is the calmest, safest and most efficient pathway to implementation of such radical transitional changes.
Certainly all macro events would have to complete with such an invisible tint, after the all the larger something is, the slower it appears to move .  Yet all of these macro moves are happening in real time, 24 hours a day, in every time zone, all at once… and moving at a rate of speed that our common senses struggle to detect.
We're looking for drama that just isn't there!  It appears we're in a magical drama-free zone so enjoy:)

Now whether you believe this explanation of current events or not, I know everyone can sense that something major is afoot across all continents and cultures.
Thus, it's up to each of us to either prepare our hearts and minds and ascend or descend into a new reality--whatever that is--sure at our own pace, but no one has the choice of remaining stagnant--universal progress does't stop for anyone or anything.
To help cope, below are 5 Drama-Free Truths that you can safely depend on moving forward as it relates to the RV… whenever "The Committee" finally does release this event down to our level:

1) The New Gold Backed Financial System is Operational
New CIPS software, corresponding duel-hemisphere satellites and physical gold bullion deposits are all currently in place, tested and humming in unison with each another at the moment.  This historic network of fiscal transparency and radical change is working successfully across all markets and in all sovereign nations -- permanently and with ease.
2)  Paymasters Have Received Their New Gold Backed Accounts
All parent paymaster accounts are resting idly, yet liquid, within their respective treasury accounts and central bank coffers.  All money's are at the ready to move, just awaiting a final code entering that allows ledger to ledger inter-bank transfers between paymasters and currency redeemers. There is very little intel coming in now regarding this process because all the important details have already been worked through and are also sitting idle, ready for client-based execution (i.e. no drama exists, so stop creating drama).
3) Unlimited Funds Are Available for Immediate Transfer
No matter the currency origin or volume, a paymaster can and will accommodate whatever size ledger transfer is required when you enter an off-site redemption location.  There is enough physical gold to back all anticipated cash and currency deposits inside of this new financial system master ledger.  Hard to believe?  For some, sure.  But it was much harder to accomplish.  So suspend your disbelief long enough to head into your redemption appointment with an open mind and h dart, and let the proof rest in the bank's ability to perform. 
4) Future Humanitarian Projects & Job Creation Are Paramount
The deeper rationale behind giving and receiving such massive amounts of cash via offering higher sovereign rates is simply to spread the wealth down to the street level quickly (versus say moving the money through traditional government and bank mechanisms).  However, managing this kind of wealth comes with a far greater burden than just redeeming currency in order to get rich. 

The old fiat financial system attempted to destroy modern society, not enable the masses to prosper.  Thus, currently an unprecedented funding shortfall exists across all nations and communities.  In response to this blatant and epic neglect, the Chinese Elders have agreed to hydrate both the private and public mechanisms via a "helicopter drop" of liquid cash.

This both their gift to us, and their request, as this "helicopter drop" is designed to include our own philanthropic participation, requiring each of us to prudently spend, give, share and oversee such great blessings with anyone and everyone who is overtly burdened, worthy or capable of helping others in need. 
5) A Transition Away From Money and Into Mercy Has Started
​Harder to believe is that there is no such thing as money, since we all seem to live, kill and die for it.​  Yet, when you really look at trade between two goods or services, money is just an exchangeable item, and thus just one option to equalize trade. 

Thus paper and coincide money, although assigned an inherent value, is not really a tangible good or service, thus it's value comes from what humanity places on it.  The usury or debt model (and interest for that matter) simply doesn't work, and thus a new concept regarding how we determine wealth is now being implemented; whereby mercy and service to people will be valued over the acquisition of material objects and profits. 

Now to fully understand this new concept of value, one must first release old belief systems that generations of their family fought and died for.  Not such an easy transition, until the truth about money and mercy appears self evident, as anyone redeeming ZIM will embrace within just a few hours after their exchange appointment--because we're living thru a spiritual transition that includes a brief banking transaction--nothing more, nothing less.  So be it.

God is with us.​

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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